Why I became a certified Erotic Blueprint Coach™…
I’ve been a sex coach for 6.5 years now.
Even before I found the Erotic Blueprints.
And one of the reasons why I became a sex coach in the first place is the fact that when I talk about what I do…who I am…how I support my clients, I have to censor my favorite words.
(when I posted this on Facebook I had to remove the letter e from my fave SEX).
Because most people fear their own sexuality.
We aren’t taught proper pleasure and consent based sexual education.
We aren’t taught about our anatomy being wired for pleasure. Our whole bodies and beyond being wired for pleasure.
We’re not taught that our eroticism belongs to us, that our desire is holy and that have so much capacity for pleasure and turn on.
In a society that demonizes it (yet also uses, exploits and commodifies it), we are forced to censor ourselves so that we can remain on these platforms.
We carry so much shame around our eroticism yet it’s literally who we are at our core.
Erotic beings
Erotic energy is what creates life, yet we repress, deny, shame, judge and vilify our own primal, human nature.
We pro-create and pretend that sex wasn’t what led to it.
We have sex in mechanical ways devoid of pleasure, play, connection, desire.
I struggled with shame around my sexuality for most of my life.
The shame started young like it does for most of us.
The fear of being caught (or actually being caught) exploring our own bodies (which actually begins in utero and is totally common and normal in babies and toddlers) creates a sense of deep shame.
That I am bad, I am wrong, at my core.
Who I am fundamentally is bad, wrong, dirty.
So as I became a teenager and adult I oscillated between being sexually repressed and prudish… and being overtly expressed in unhealthy ways.
Touching myself in secret and feeling bad and shameful every time.
Even though it felt natural…and so good.
Many things played out as a result of me repressing my erotic nature:
*pelvic pain after orgasm
*bladder incontinence in my early 20’s (way before I had my child)
*feeling disconnected and like something was missing
*lying awake at night crying myself to sleep praying that this wasn’t all there is
*numb vagina and pain during penetration
*feeling insecure and awkward in the bedroom
*constantly crossing my own boundaries and allowing others to do so too
*feeling dry, turned off, stagnant and dead inside
*choosing partners who cheated and had weird sexual shadows that were hidden from me
And so on…
Eventually I grew tired of feeling filled with shame and like I was holding back (in the bedroom, in life & in my business) and started my erotic healing and awakening journey in early 2015
It started out purely personal. I wanted to feel sexually liberated, expressed, alive, turned on
I wanted to have deep cervical and g-spot orgasms even with my lover. Whole body orgasms. Multiple orgasms. 
I wanted to seduce myself alive again and feel fulfilled in ways I never knew was possible.
I started to feel more and more powerful, safe within and like there was something deeper calling me…
Like I was meant to share it.
So I did and women responded.
Fast forward several years later as I open a jade egg shop, teach classes, offer courses and coach clients.
In 2019 I signed up for the erotic blueprints coach training because I felt like a big part of my eroticism was still misunderstood.
I enjoyed Tantra, Taoism and a lot of the amazing practices I learned, studied and spent hours upon hours practicing (alone and with my partner).
But I felt like I didn’t quite understand myself.
Why would I sometimes never feel satisfied after sex?
Like I needed more more more…
Why did I sometimes feel shut down when my lover removed his pants and I felt rushed?
Why did I enjoy it when I was being spanked or choked?
Why did I not even want to be touched other times?
And why did I want it all and then some other times?
Why couldn’t I get out of my head?
I didn’t realize it until I went through the program, but I’m a Shapeshifter in the Erotic Blueprints and I desire lots of different things that can often change moment to moment.
I enjoy all the blueprints (energetic, sensual, sexual and kinky) and need all of them to feel truly fulfilled erotically. 
It’s how I’m wired.
And now I have language to understand that sometimes I don’t feel satisfied by just a quickie when my Shapeshifter is especially greedy and wants lots of play.
Or that I was shutting down because my energetic thought that pants coming down = pressure to be penetrated when energetics long for space, tease, anticipation and can experience immense pleasure and orgsm without touch.
Or that enjoying spanking and choking is perfectly normal and healthy (when done consensually and with proper form).
Or that the shadow side to my sensual was being in my head…whether it’s because the music isn’t right, the room is a mess, I’m worried about something or I’m afraid we’ll get oil on the sheets.
Having a language to understand how I’m wired, what turns me on (& off), what feeds and fulfills me (& my lover) sexually and what expands me into my most powerful, liberated, turned on self…is life-changing.
And now I get to teach it, share it and lead my clients through unearthing their own erotic blueprint types™ and learning to feed and fulfill them.
With zero fucking shame and lots of pleasure and play🔥💋
Want to connect deeper with me? 
Follow me here on Instagram where I hang out the most. 
Or join my private Facebook group for women leaders, Rich Hot Erotic Leadership

Want to find out how you’re erotically wired as a sexual being…

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Discover what REALLY turns you on, what leads to your most satisfying orgasm & create a life-long pleasure map to sexual ecstasy. 

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