I love working with sexual energy. Having a regular sexual energy cultivation practice has literally transformed my life and sexuality in so many ways. This is because sexual energy is life-force energy; the energy of life itself.

In Taoism they believe that your sexual energy is the source of spiritual awakening, increased vitality and endless creativity. It’s what connects you to your innate wisdom, weaving together mind, body, heart and spirit. 

Cultivating sexual energy allows you to become multi-orgasmic, building more energy and transforming it into life-force energy and spiritual energy, connecting you to the Oneness of cosmic bliss. 

I’ve been focused on sexual energy work (including things like the jade egg practice, breast massage, erotic dance, breathwork, sex magic and more) for the past 3+ years and while it’s opened me up to higher and deeper levels of ecstatic pleasure, there have also been some strange experiences awakening this deeply powerful, ancient Shakti energy. 

I like talking about the weird side affects of sexual energy work because if you’re on this path too, then chances are you have or will experience things like this from time to time. And if you’re anything like me, you may not know how to react or handle it at first…especially if it’s a new and unfamiliar experience.

Today I’m going to share a story with you about one of the weirdest things I’ve experienced during orgasm. Through this sharing I want to support you with some tools and suggestions on how you can flow through this with ease if you happen to experience it for yourself. 

If you want to connect to your pleasure, sexual energy and orgasmic potential, then you can check out my free resources here and get started on a sexual healing and orgasmic awakening journey that works for you. 

When you sign up for one (or all) of my free erotic gifts to you then you’ll receive a series of emails over the first few days that will share more about the journey, why it’s important and some things you can do to get started or go deeper. 

I would love for you to share this video with any woman (or your lover!) in your life to spread the Shakti love! You can subscribe to my YouTube channel here to stay updated with my weekly video.

You can also come play with me on Instagram or join my private Facebook group for women only. 

