Becoming wealthy is about so much more than reciting “I am wealthy” affirmations in the mirror every day praying that Sky Daddy will drop a million $ in your lap💸💋

It’s about shifting your whole identity to match the feelings of wealth: more than enough, excess, overflow, being provided for AND THEN SOME

It’s about shifting your level of belief for what’s possible for you & taking consistent action from that belief

And seeing yourself in a new light that’s based on who you want to be vs who your ego tells you that you SHOULD be

It’s about tapping into the energy of wealth THROUGH YOUR BODY & becoming more familiar with the flow of this energy

And creating safety for your body to actually move towards this reality

So that money feels certain, reliable, standard, a safe area to grow

It’s about WHO the fuck you become when you hold the standard in your life that you get to do/be/have/experience MORE

Including money, but also your desires for life itself

Not just enough to pay the bills…but more than you even know what to do with

Because who is the version of you who holds that standard?

I’m here to help you seduce her out and step into her, day by day, with so much safety & pleasure as part of the process

What do you have to say no to…so that you can say YES to the kind of wealth you desire?

I’m here to hold you when it feels icky or scary to say no to someone or something so that you feel empowered saying YES to YOURSELF

What boundaries do you need to set so that you can hold it?

I’m here to teach you how to set boundaries like a bad bitch without dropping into your good girl people pleaser role so that you actually get what you want & feel your energy protected…minus the guilt

How do you need to show up in order to believe this is already motherfucking YOURS?

I’ll teach you how to harness the power of the quantum realm where time really doesn’t exist and you’re already fucking there

So that it feels real IN YOUR BODY RIGHT THE FUCK NOW…not like an airy fair, far away fantasy that makes your nervous system freak out 2 seconds later

What does your body need in order to feel safe enough OPENING to that level of wealth?

I’ll show you how to create safety using pleasure and erotic energy so that you continue to open to more money over time

How do you want to feel once you’re making 6, multiple 6 or 7 figures? Or whatever amount of money YOU desire

And how can you feel that way right the fuck now, exactly as you are?

I’ll help you step into those feelings right now so that your body literally feels like you’re already a millionaire (or insert whatever amount of money)…meaning you can bring it closer that much faster

Becoming wealthy is about stepping into the most expressed, liberated, alive, safe, turned the fuck on, powerful version of you

I want to hold space for that version of you to unfold

I want to help you scale & stabilize at your next level with safety, pleasure & turn on

This is exactly what my 9-week SEXY MONEY CODES program is designed to do

If you want to BE the wealthy woman you desire to be now (not next year or in another 5 years), then join us & start locking that wealth identity into your body

With pleasure and erotic energy as the pathway!

Sign up today & get started on your foreplay assignment which will help you begin the process BEFORE we even begin the program!

We will be starting SMC with our first live call in the earlier part of Mid December so you have until next Friday Dec 2nd to join us!

Join us for SEXY MONEY CODES 💋💸& you’ll get instant access to my Erotic Headmistress Mindset ritual that will help you begin shifting your mindset on a nervous system and body level too

Here’s a little text snippet from a past client of mine, Eve, after she sold her $5k coaching spot to show how you’ll be celebrated during SMC…but imagine a group of like-minded women celebrating you!

Is this your vibe? Come join us!

SEXY MONEY CODES is a 9-week group coaching program for you if you want to learn how to move from feeling highly charged (anxious, afraid, ashamed) around money to neutral…and even turned on!