Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius!

How is your energy feeling under the light of this full moon? I’m in Michigan and it’s overcast today so I guess I’m experiencing a lack of full moon light. I can still feel the full moon energy strong though.

I woke up feeling juicy and ready for ritual yet filled with a lot of emotions about what’s in store for me this week. More on that in a minute.

How is your pussy feeling…and your sexual energy? Your heart and emotions?

I always like noticing how the moon cycle affects my pussy, heart and sexual energy.

Not to judge, change or shame it, but simply to use the moon and astrological sign as a form of unique medicine to soothe my heart, pussy and soul when I need it or to enjoy the abundance of erotic energy that might be surging — or anything in between and beyond.

Personally I’m feeling fired up in the most pleasurable way today. Sag is a fire sign and I’m an Aries, another fire sign, so I’m feeling it extra 🔥🔥

I woke up and did a candle sex magic spell for a desire I’ve been gestating. (picture below)

I carved a gold candle with words and symbols, dressed (aka rubbed it) with Egyptian Musk oil (and a few drops of pussy juice 😉 and sprinkled glitter on it.

I did some sensual breathwork and felt the fire in my belly and pussy in honor of the Sagittarius full moon. I felt this spell coming to life. Sensuality + Fire.

I feel like that’s the theme coming up for me and I’m wondering what’s coming up for you…

If you feel like trying on the Sensuality + Fire energy for this full moon I have a ritual you can play with. Trust your intuition, listen to your body and let play and curiosity guide you!

What you’ll need:

  • A candle (any kind)
  • Oil to anoint the candle
  • Something to carve it with (I use a pen, wooden skewer or knife)
  • Things to decorate your candle if you like (glitter, dried herbs)
  • Match or lighter
  • Paper and pen
  • Cauldron, firesafe dish, fire pit or fireplace — somewhere you can safely burn something
  • Your sexayyy body, pussy juice + five senses (;

How to do this Sensuality + Fire ritual:

Write down one desire that feels exciting to you. What’s hiding away in your pussy or belly that you’ve been desiring? No desire is too big or too small. Choose something that your pussy tingles for when you say it out loud or think about it (;

Carve a candle with the words of your desire or write it on the glass or wax of your candle. It doesn’t have to be a fancy candle. You can also use symbols that resonate with your desire too.

The candle I’m using is a “chime” candle I bought on Amazon (spell candles basically). You can honestly use any household candle or a tea light. Let your pussy choose it based on color or just use white if that’s what you have.

Put some pussy juice on your candle and anything else you like before lighting it. Basically I just got a little bit of my juicy lubrication on my finger and dotted it onto the candle.

Light the candle and feel the sensuality and fire stirring deep in the cauldron of your womb (and/or energetic womb). You can do some visualization imagining your desire being here in your body NOW.

Now take out a piece of paper and your pen and write down this question: What stands in my way of me having this desire? Or you can ask, What would I worry about if this desire came true?

Then write out whatever comes up, even if it seems insignificant, unrealistic or “out there.”

Build a fire outside or use a cauldron and burn the paper, burning away anything that stands in the way of your desires.

Do a sensual, primal, wild dance around the fire or in your house as you burn it away.

Let your senses soak up the idea of releasing what doesn’t serve AND stepping into the skin of your ideal life/desire/body.

What would it feel like to have this desire NOW? Embody it.

Feel it sensually.

What do you see? Hear? Taste? Touch? Smell?

What emotions fill your belly as you embody this desire now?

Gratitude? Pride? Peace? Love?

Get deep into your sensuality in whatever way that feels good for you as you celebrate your desire and the releasing of whatever stands in the way.

I hope you enjoy this Sensuality + Fire Ritual in honor of the Sagittarius Full Moon.

Thursday I head off to NYC for the final intensive weekend in Regena Thomashauer’s School of Womanly Arts Mastery program. It’s been such a fucking epic, juicy, pussified, sisterhood-filled journey.

So many of my desires have come to fruition, new ones have unfolded and some have beautifully fallen away making room for what feels most alive.

I have so many emotions brewing…the bittersweet feeling as the program comes to an end yet knowing that the real work begins now — the work of maintaining all that I’ve learned, embodying it AND integrating it.

Living it.

Breathing it.

Being it.

This full moon is only amplifying all of the delicious feelings and emotions sitting in my heart, womb and pussy.

I’ll share more about this journey and what I’ve been going through over the next few months.

I’m so grateful for you. Enjoy the full moon ritual.



P.S. Are you subscribed to my YouTube channel? I haven’t been as consistent with my “weekly” videos the past few months and that’s been fabulous.

I needed a break and to trust my own cycles and seasons, but I have tons of new videos coming soon! The first one drops today.

Head over here to subscribe and watch. You can catch up on some of my older videos too.