This practice is part of my Erotic Ritual Breathwork Series. 

Over these few weeks I’m sharing three of my favorite breath work rituals for connecting to your erotic nature, building more pleasure and sexual energy in your body AND making yourself more whole body orgasmic in the process.

If you missed last week’s ritual Orgasmic Heart Breathing, then click here. We began the first week with Orgasmic Heart Breathing to connect our heart and sex together, which can help you experience heart, breast and nipple orgasms.

I recommend starting there with that video because I share what breathwork is and why it’s key in opening yourself up to deeper, higher and expanded states of pleasure and orgasm.

The practice I’m sharing with you today is…

Pussy Breathing to fully waking up your pussy and the pleasure, sensation, lubrication and orgasm that lives deep inside. Also known as yoni breathing or vaginal breathing. 

(Even if you don’t have a physical pussy, but you resonate with an energetic pussy, you can imagine it as an energetic space rather than an anatomical place in the body. Otherwise you can breathe in and out of your genitals or your perineum.)

This practice is near and dear to my heart. I’m a little over four months postpartum now and pussy breathing has been one of the most healing practices I’ve done to restore lubrication, sensation, pleasure and orgasm to my post-birth pussy. 

I also do a lot of other erotic rituals that I’ll be sharing with you over the next couple of months…

…like the jade egg practice, vaginal steaming, pussy gazing (mirror worship), breast massage, erotic dance, self pleasure with a crystal dildo, pussy massage and vaginal de-armoring.

Giving birth was one of the most raw, primal and incredibly vulnerable experiences I’ve ever journeyed through. It definitely has been a journey, not only giving birth, but navigating the postpartum period. Especially when it came to reacquainting myself with my pussy. 

At first I was afraid to look in the mirror at my pussy. I didn’t know if it would ever “return to normal.” I avoided it for the first two weeks and cried about it…a LOT. 

Everything felt…different at first. Open, raw, new, unfamiliar. 

Pussy breathing allowed me to come back home to my eroticism as I began to unearth my new connection to my sexuality while also being a mother who is breastfeeding and healing on all levels.

It continues to be the practice I turn to when I’m breastfeeding each morning in bed, preparing for any kind of vaginal penetration, getting ready to insert my jade egg or to simply be in communion with my pussy. To feel her, hear her, go deeper into her. 

I’ve been practicing pussy breathing for severals years and combining it with other breathwork rituals and it has truly opened my pussy AND whole body up to experiencing orgasm as a state of being. Not just getting off. 

I’m honored to share this breathwork practice with you, because if you breathe into your pussy like this, then I know you’ll begin to unlock some deep magic within yourself; sexually, emotionally and spiritually.

Pussy breathing is great for you if you’ve felt disconnected from your vulva and vagina. If you’ve shut your sexuality and pussy down or felt like you have zero relationship or awareness of this part of your body. Especially if you live up in your head or feel stuck in your mind during sex or your life in general.

It’s also a gentle way to begin releasing fear of your sexuality or shame and trauma that can be stored in the tissues of the vagina. Watch below:

Download the full Pussy Breathing Ritual here for free. You’ll also receive access to last week’s breathwork ritual, Orgasmic Heart Breathing. 

This is a great practice to do before using your jade egg or you can insert your jade egg and do a ritual and practice using this breathwork as you squeeze and relax your muscles around the jade egg. Breathing in and out of your pussy…like the waves of the ocean rolling in and out. 

…if you need a jade egg to begin or deepen your practice, you can check out my jade egg shop here.

Like I mentioned in last week’s article and video, in a few weeks I’ll be sharing a guided self pleasure ritual you can do with a crystal dildo or pleasure wand so these breathwork rituals and the jade egg are both great practices for warming yourself up for any kind of penetration and also for bringing these styles of breathwork in while you self pleasure or have sex.

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and join my erotic newsletter when you download the Pussy Breathing Ritual so you don’t miss next week’s ritual breathwork practice when it comes out…and you definitely don’t want to miss next week’s ritual because it will help you easily and quickly expand your pleasure and sexual energy into your whole body.

It’s a practice that will help you unblock and move stuck emotions and sexual energy and it’s something that I teach in every single one of my courses right now, because it’s foundational for experiencing more ecstatic sex and self pleasure.

Until then…

All my love. 

