I’ve been waiting for this moment for almost two years…

Patiently waiting…not wanting to force, yet desperately craving the release.

The shedding and destruction that only comes with this moment.

The first few drops of menstrual blood appeared yesterday morning. After almost two years of not having a period, I am finally bleeding again and contrary to what you might think, it feels sooooo good.

I’m descending back into the ancient erotic mysteries of the menstrual cycle and I’ve missed it so much.

I finally get to let go of everything I’ve been carrying inside of me.

Before I got pregnant in late 2017, birthed Scarlet (and rebirthed myself) in Sept 2018 and started the breastfeeding journey, my bleeding phase was my absolute favorite time of my menstrual cycle.

It was my favorite time for rituals, reveling in my sensuality, descending into my darkness and feeling into the erotic oracle that lives within my belly and between my thighs.

I can always tell when it’s coming…

I smell a certain way…the pheromones radiate in a totally different way.

I feel more inward, connected to my own divinity and the pulse of Eros within and around me and even more inclined to dwell luxuriously in my own darkness.

Everything appears dream-like, almost psychedelic. Colors are brighter. Textures feel orgasmic on my skin. Food tastes better. My hearing changes.

I literally feel like I’m on ecstasy, floating in a hazy dream and every movement feels like waves of orgasm tingling up and down my spine.

I practically had a whole body orgasm because of the how the clouds looked against the blue sky, the feel of the warm breeze on my skin and the sound of the birds chirping as I walked to my car yesterday…

My body feels full and ripe, weirdly like I’m pregnant. And I am.

Pregnant and gestating ALL of the stuff I’ve been consciously and unconsciously carrying in my womb since my last period.

Almost two years worth of death, life, creation, birth, rebirth, loss, growth, stagnancy, frustration, pain, ecstasy.

My father’s death (which was the day of my last period so it’s now full circle), getting pregnant, grieving, birthing…so much has been stuck in my womb.

Finally shedding and being let go of…and that release is absolutely orgasmic.

I didn’t always feel this way about my period. In fact, it used to be my LEAST favorite time for many many years.

It’s why I took hormonal birth control (it just wasn’t for me, but I respect your choice if it’s working for you).

It’s why I shut off from my sexuality, erotic nature, femininity and my own darkness. My creativity.

I didn’t want to feel all of the stuff that unconsciously hangs around in the womb. If only I knew then what I know now…that each month I had a chance to shed, destroy and release EVERYTHING from the previous cycle.

Regardless, now I know and I want to share some of the practices with you that have helped me see my menstrual cycle, especially the bleeding phase, as such an orgasmic gift.

I want YOU to feel like you’re on ecstasy too, because it allows you to follow the natural order of the descent into your own eroticism, divinity and darkness.

To own your creative AND destructive natures.

Your ability to create the egg AND destroy it, shedding it down. Your ability to use your erotic superpowers that are available during your bleed to weave some serious magic in your life.

These superpowers are still inside of you if you don’t bleed, are going through menopause or post-menopausal or don’t have the anatomy yet resonate with having the energy of womb and pussy. We’re cyclical regardless and these erotic superpowers stay with us forever.

Here are some of the practices I do that turn my period into an ecstatic, orgasmic experience:

Womb Voice Meditation. Lying down or getting into a deep squat and sounding out from my womb and pussy.

It’s not always the sexiest sounds…well actually, it’s sexy to me, because it’s raw, real and primal. The guttural sounds that come from the lower body, the erotic body, are a way to release all that stagnancy, all that unconscious stuff hanging around (like unprocessed emotions or trauma, blocked sexual or creative energy, shame around your sexuality, old lovers’ energies, etc.).

Often the sounds are low, guttural, resonating deep into the base of my body and my womb and a lot of growls, hisses, moans, primal screams, grief wails and Kali breath with my tongue out like a wild animal.

Erotic breathwork. Pussy breathing, sexual energy breathing, breathing into your womb, pelvic rocking with breath. Any kind of breathwork instantly catapults me deep into my body AND into an altered state of consciousness at the same time.

Breast massage. Massaging my breasts, sensually with warm oil, opens my heart and allows my pussy to open as well, preparing me for the shedding that happens as I bleed. It also takes tender or painful breasts into orgasmic territory. 

Stay tuned for a complimentary breast massage preview coming your way in a few days. This practice has changed my life and I’m going to give it to you.

If you want to get notified of when the breast massage comes out, click here and get my jade egg ebook so you’re added to my erotic email community and Jade Egg Sexual Mastery waiting list. 

Jade egg practice. Doing 3-4x a week jade egg rituals has been my top practice for altering the relationship with my menstrual cycle.

How? It brings consciousness, energy and relaxation deep into my vagina. A place I used to ignore before. It’s also the source of sexual energy for most of us…the throbbing, swelling arousal of your clitoris or genitals.

You can use the jade egg to awaken this energy in your pussy and womb, circulate it so it’s not stagnant in your sexual organs anymore and feel more flow overall of Eros, life-force energy (which is also creative and cash flow energy).

More flow allows the pleasurable liquid ecstasy that naturally lives in your body to begin flowing again.

I don’t use the jade egg internally when I bleed, but I do connect with it to de-armor my navel region, meditate with it near my pussy, keep it on my altar or sleep with it under my pillow to enhance dream retention and powerful dreams.

You’ll often find me drinking a cup of my favorite tea (recipe down below) and snuggling my jade egg on my period as I do some breathwork or relax.

All of these practices can be used even if you don’t bleed anymore (or never have anatomically) AND you will still feel like you’re on ecstasy. If you scroll down I also have a bonus ritual 😉

If you want to get access to all of these practices and other rituals that support the jade egg practice, doors are open for one week only for my 9-week course, Jade Egg Sexual Mastery.

You can get all of the details here.

I’m so thankful for my jade egg practice every time I get my period (actually ALL of the time)…and I’m so glad that I originally found and have continued to deepen my practice over these 4 1/2 years.

The return of my blood is a blessing…a celebration.

A deeply welcomed release and destruction of everything I’ve been longing to let go of for almost two years.

If you long to embody the ancient erotic mysteries of your own sexuality, womb, pussy through the Taoist jade egg practice and other pleasurable, healing rituals, join us for 9 weeks of bliss, healing and awakening.

Come and found out more about Jade Egg Sexual Mastery here.



P.S. I also made this really delicious tea that I want to share with you. I’m calling it my Erotic Love Tea and it’s filled with libido boosting, womb tonifying and menstrual cycle nourishing herbs.

It only enhances my ecstasy feeling!

Of course, make sure to check in with an herbalist or practitioner before making, but if you’re intrigued…try it out and feel free to modify it as you so desire…

Here’s what you need:

1-2 Parts Hibiscus

1 Part Shatavari Root

1 Part Nettles

1 Part Red Raspberry Leaf

1 Part Rose Hips

2-4 cups of water, depending on how rich and strong you want the brew to be

Optional: sweetener of choice; I like raw organic local honey

In this recipe my Part was equal to 1 tbsp, but you could use tsp if you want a small batch or even a cup if you want a big batch to store.

Boil a pot of hot water, assemble herbs in another tea pot or cup, pour water over herbs and allow to seep for 15-20 minutes (shorter if you prefer it not as intense, longer if you want more richness)

Pour into a teacup and saucer of choice, sweeten to taste, sensually inhale the aroma and steam and fully enjoy!

Unlock Deep Vaginal Pleasure & Orgasms. Get Your FREE Jade Egg ebook below.

Learn the sexual secrets of the thousands year old Taoist jade egg practice and get ready to awaken a whole new layer and level of sexual pleasure.
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