I’ve decided to do a 30-day personal experiment focused on following my pussy and what will bring her pleasure. I like to think of it as dancing ecstatically down the path of pussy. I’m re-initiating myself back onto the path with reinvigorated passion and excitement.

So for the next 30 days, pussy will get what pussy wants. Even if it seems extravagant, silly or impossible. So far day one has been pure bliss! I’ll tell you more about that in a sec plus a photo of my playful spread of pussy pleasure items…

Why am I doing this personal experiment? I’ve been studying with Regena Thomashauer in her Mastery course for women, which focuses on connecting back to pussy and pleasure – especially through sisterhood, and I’m realizing how easy it is for me to default back into disconnecting from my pussy, pleasure and sexual energy (my erotic nature) when I get swept up in life.

So I’m coming back home to my pussy. I’m listening to her. Giving her a voice. Witnessing her. Worshiping her. And, most importantly, honoring what her desires are.

This morning I asked my pussy, “what will bring you the most pleasure?”

And then I listened. I breathed into her and then followed her Queen-like commands and desires.

I got out my favorite tray that I usually keep all of my self pleasure items on when I do my morning rituals and I added each item that she requested.

Here’s what my pussy specifically desired:

  • To be worshiped in my pussy gazing mirror
  • To insert and feel a luscious Cosmic Egg by Wild & Vibrant melting deep inside (check her out on Instagram @wildandvibrant or her website www.wildandvibrant.com)
  • To program my jade egg with my sex magic desire and then feel the exquisite pleasure of the jade stone inside of my pussy while doing some breathwork
  • To use my rose quartz Chakrub
  • Oh…and to taste a few different chocolate covered strawberries that I got from a local dessert shop #extravagantpussy (turns out she likes the milk chocolate one with white chocolate drizzle the most!)

Here’s a photo I shared on my Instagram stories (you can follow me here)…

I gave my pussy exactly what she wanted and I continued to listen to her and feel her pulse of aliveness as I went through each ritual.

Between doing pussy gazing and inserting my jade egg she wanted me to slowly rub my clitoris (the extended orgasm technique I teach in a few of my online pleasure courses) and watch her change and engorge in the mirror…which only turned her on more.

As I was stroking I was saying things to my pussy and repeating my pussy mantra “I have a hot and holy pussy that is dripping with gold and honey.”

It reminded me of something Regena said when I was in NYC for the first intensive weekend of Mastery, which was something along the lines of, “All you have to do is whisper adjectives and blow on the pussy and she’ll engorge.” So true.

As I’m typing this erotic love letter to you, my pussy is glowing. I feel radiant, grounded, yet blissfully tapped in. The sound of birds chirping outside feels like music to my ears. The sweet snuggles of Scarlet as I wear her in her baby carrier feel that much more filled with love and joy.

Following the path of pussy isn’t always roses and sunshine though. I’ve been dancing down this path for 4+ years now and there’s always another layer and level to go. Devotion to pussy is about honoring ALL of you, including your pain, pleasure, numbness, range of emotions, the “mundane” activities of life, challenges and more.

Some days following pussy for me means sleeping in a few more hours because I’m exhausted, saying “fuck it” to my schedule of work to watch Netflix on the couch or raging to heavy metal music while I scream and crawl across the floor like I’m exorcizing some deep shadows from the depths of my pussy, heart and soul.

I’m doing this 30-day pussy pleasure experiment, because I already know that following my pussy leads to the life of my desires. I also know that following the path of pussy is what brings me back to my source of courage, pleasure, power, truth and eroticism.

If you’re interested in doing your own 30-day pussy pleasure experiment, here are a few tips!

  • Every morning right after waking up, resist the temptation to immediately pick up your phone and scroll through Instagram, Facebook or your email inbox. Instead, place a hand over your pussy, close your eyes, breathe into her/it and ask her/it, “what will bring you pleasure this morning?”
  • Then, listen. Wait. It will take practice to listen, especially if you’re used to pretending you don’t have a pussy, you feel ashamed of having one, you have trauma stored there or you feel disconnected, turned off and shut down.
  • Once you get an inkling of what your pussy wants, follow her queenly desires and requests…even if it feels or seems silly, wild, weird, extravagant or something else entirely. Trust me, it will most likely bring up some shit for you. Be willing to move beyond that anyway. Often what we resist is the exact medicine we need in that moment.
  • Enjoy, savor and revel in every moment as much as you can as you do one thing that your pussy asks for.
  • Repeat throughout the day, but at least once a day for 30 days!
  • You can also journal on it, write down what you notice, talk it over with a friend or feel free to tag me on Instagram @amberleitz and share your insights, rituals or photos with me in a post or story (please no DMs). You can use #extravagantpussy or #pathofpussypleasure (;

I can’t wait for the magic that will unfold for us as we journey for the next 30 days through this pussy magic!

This is just for fun, by the way. This isn’t tied into promoting any of my courses and I may not share all of my 30-day journey online or even on Instagram. But I wanted to share it with you today just in case you needed some inspiration to devote back to your own path of pussy pleasure.

I love you!

