Today is Friday the 13th, which contrary to popular belief is actually an auspicious day representing the feminine mysteries and cycles of fertility, creation and destruction.

Originally Friday the 13th was a celebration of the ancient erotic blood mysteries and the creative cycles of life, death, sex and birth/rebirth.

And a direct connection to your erotic nature and life-force…your raw, creative power.

In nature this is reflected by the moon cycle and menstrual cycle.

There are 13 moon cycles in a year and 13 is also the average number of menstrual cycles that those who bleed have in one year.

This is interwoven with our ability (if you have a womb and still cycle) to carry the precious seed of life (ovulation) and destroy said potential of life if fertilization doesn’t take place…the destruction, shedding and release of menstrual blood and the potential seed of life.

Even if you don’t bleed, you carry the very DNA of creation within you as your core erotic essence.

This raw creative power has since been vilified, shamed, hidden underground and seen as a curse. The vilification of the erotic pulse of life-force and power that exists within each of us has lead to us being tamed, controlled, shut down and kept “in line.”

Our eroticism and wildness shunned. 
Our power exiled. 
Our pleasure denied.
Our cycles labeled dirty and wrong. 
Our very nature cast out as evil and bad.

And of course the day that represents and celebrates the holiness of our eroticism, power and creative/destructive nature is twisted, contorted and turned into a day of bad luck, superstition and evil curses.

It’s time for us to reclaim Friday the 13th. There’s no better time than this particular Friday the 13th…because it also happens to be the Pisces Full Moon and one of my favorite days of the week — Venus Day!

Yes, this Friday the 13th is in the dreamy, watery, emotional realm of Pisces AND the sensual, fertile, love and sex infused energy of Venus, the planet and goddess of love, sex, fertility, victory and pleasure.

So I have a few playful ideas for you if you want to reclaim your erotic nature, power and pleasure while taking back your rightful throne to celebrating such an auspicious day…

Read on for some rituals you can do today to honor Friday the 13th, the Full Moon in Pisces and Venus, if you so desire.

Pick one or two rituals, try them all…or be totally devious and create your own rituals… 😉



Ritual #1 – Create an Erotic Altar

Create an altar that represents the essence of your own eroticism. What items feel like symbols of your unique erotic nature? Your altar doesn’t have to be elaborate and can include whatever calls out to you.

I have an erotic altar in my living room that I tend to and connect with every single day. Every now and then I take items off and add new ones or switch them up, but most of the time a lot of the items remain.

Here’s a photo of mine from this morning to inspire you, but again my expression of my own eroticism may not resonate with you and vice versa…

I usually have these tea lights burning and every morning I fill that gold triple moon goddess chalice with water as an offering to my erotic, creative genius and energy. I have my obsidian wand on there today to charge it up plus some other crystals in the bowl like garnet, red jasper, onyx, sardonyx, etc.

I have a few vintage erotic photographs that my friend Robin gave me plus some tarot and oracle cards, incense burner and some statues.



Ritual #2 – Put on a Sexy Playlist and Move Eros Through Your Body

Dance and move your body as if Eros is thrumming through you and guiding you from inside. Instead of dancing to look a certain way, imagine that your body is being lead by pleasure from the inside out.

You can check out my Sex Witch Magic Playlist here.

Or my Venus: Sensuality, Beauty, Love & Sex Magick Ritual Playlist here.




Ritual #3 – Drink a Libido-Boosting Cacao Aphrodisiac Elixir

You can get one of my recipes here. And no, you don’t need every single item. I understand not everyone has access to certain herbs or superfoods. 

You can even substitute and just drink a tea blend, but imagine infusing it with sensual intentions and erotic energy.



Ritual #4 – Do a Venus Altar, Ritual & Offering

This is my Venus altar and offering from this morning. I did an extra special “thank you” offering to express my gratitude for Venus recently helping me to manifest something into reality.

I did this particular spell a few weeks ago, but keep in mind I’ve been building a relationship by building altars and giving offerings to Venus on an almost weekly basis for around a year now.

I have an article all about how to Invoke Venus for Sensuality, Beauty, Love & Sex Magic here.



Ritual #5 – Do a Full Moon Sex Magic Ritual & Spell

It can be as simple as doing a self pleasure ritual, jade egg practice, some breathwork, taking a bath, being under the full moon or out in nature and giving your sexual energy and/or orgasm an intention.

You can also get some more ideas here in my sex magic archives.



Ritual #6 – Sexual Shadow Integration Practices

If you’re feeling like you’re being lured to the dark side under the illumination of the full moon’s light, then I recommend doing some sexual shadow work to excavate, connect with, send approval to and integrate your sexual shadows.

You can find out more about that here.

Oh and if you happen to be bleeding on this Full Moon Friday the 13th…check out this article about ecstatic bleeding.

Again, just choose one or two rituals or if you’re feeling playful, create your own ritual(s).

One last thing, I’m thinking about doing a sale on one of my online courses next week just for a couple of days. You’ll get more details in your inbox next week if you sign up for my erotic emails here (you’ll also get my jade egg ebook for free).

Happy Full Moon in Pisces Friday the 13th and day of Venus!




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