If you’ve never experienced an energy orgasm before, then prepare to blow your own mind. 

A lot of women to this day still believe that their orgasm is limited to their genitals. If they even believe that they’re orgasmic at all. 

Some women (sadly) buy into the lie that they’re not highly, multi and whole body orgasmic or that orgasms are something they can only have from clitoral stimulation alone. 

We all have our own unique orgasmic path, but your orgasmic potential truly is limitless. I tell you this as a reformed clitoral orgasm addict. 

For years (I’m talking from age 2 to 24 — I’m now 28) I thought that clitoral orgasms…and a few “random” g-spot orgasms…were all that I could experience. 

I’m so glad to be wrong about that now, because I’ve had some of the most life-changing, cosmic sexual experiences of my life in the past 4 years. Many of them simply on my own through my self pleasure explorations. 

Your orgasm is NOT limited to just your physical body. It can also expand out into your energy body and the energy field that surrounds you. 

These are the orgasms that feel cosmic. Like they unite you with your own divinity and the divine outside of you — whatever that means for you. 

Truly out of this world…yet very much in this body.

This isn’t another orgasm goal for you to try to reach, but I’d love to share more about energy orgasms with you and some very important tools you can use…that you don’t need to buy or search outside of yourself for…that will skyrocket your orgasmic potential into the cosmic, energy orgasm realm.  

They’re free and already inside of your body and energy field 🙂 Isn’t that great?

In this week’s video I’m talking about energy orgasms for super cosmic (out of this world) sex. 

I wholeheartedly believe that you’re capable of experiencing energy orgasms. I may not have ever met you, but I know that if you can access your sexual energy (which you can just by breathing alone) then you can absolutely experience an energy orgasm. 

And I’ve got some really simple things you can start doing right away during your erotic explorations that will pleasurably train you for energy orgasms…and some really cosmic — out of this world — sexual experiences. 

Let’s dive into energy orgasms 101.  

If you’re looking to expand your pleasure and orgasm into a whole body experience while experiencing deep sexual, emotional and spiritual healing, awakening and embodiment, join my 7-Day Orgasmic Pleasure Challenge for women.

You can also access my free Orgasmic Pleasure Breathwork Practice here for a variation on energy orgasm-style breathwork. 

I would love for you to share this video with any woman (or your lover!) to spread the energy orgasm love! You can subscribe to my YouTube channel here to stay updated with my weekly video.

You can also come play with me on Instagram or join my private Facebook group of +2900 women (for women only). 

