I am honored to share this week’s podcast episode with you. It’s all about an important part of being a woman…having an empowered pussy. 

If you have no idea what it means to have an empowered pussy or you can’t even feel yours right now, then this podcast is perfect for you.

I want to lovingly seduce you back into your erotic divinity by learning how to establish a new relationship with your pussy, which makes her and YOU feel more empowered. 

I have not always had an empowered pussy.

In fact, for years I hated her. I feared her. I didn’t think she was beautiful or powerful and because of that, I disrespected my WHOLE body, because she is NOT just an extension or part of me…

Nor is your pussy simply an extension or part of you. You’ll find out more about what I mean by that in this week’s episode. Click play and learn:

  • What having an empowered pussy means (for me) and how you can find what it means for you
  • My favorite practice to cultivate an empowered pussy
  • How your pussy is the source of WHO you are as a powerful, erotic woman

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This is For Your Numb Vagina (Podcast)

Pussy: A Reclamation by Regena Thomashauer (Book) 

Do You Crave to Surrender Sexually? (Podcast)

If you want to know what the jade egg is, how it’s used or some of the benefits, CLICK HERE for my other videos, podcasts and articles on the jade egg. 

I created a brand new Jade Egg Video Salon for you, which is FREE 3-part video series that will take you on a journey through the power and beauty of using a jade egg to awaken vaginal pleasure, harness your sexual energy and connect you back to your deeply erotic and highly orgasmic nature as a woman. You can sign up for that here.


You can also sign up for my upcoming FREE MASTERCLASS Awaken Your Erotic Power & Ignite Your Pleasure Through a Jade Egg Practice here. It’s taking place on Monday October 3rd at 6 pm EST. 



If you prefer to read rather than listen, you can read the transcript below:

This week I’m going to take you deeper into the art and ancient practice of cultivating an empowered, luscious, orgasmic pussy. I’m going to share with you what I believe makes a woman’s pussy empowered, how you you can define that for yourself and the ancient practice that has allowed me and many other women I know, both clients and friends, to have an empowered, luscious, orgasmic pussy.

If you find this a hard pill to swallow, perhaps because I use the word pussy or because you can’t fathom what the hell on earth having an empowered pussy means, then just take a deep breath. If you’re listening to this, I definitely believe there is a divine reason for it.

I’m an advocate for women connecting back to and and remembering their deeply erotic nature and learning how to once again access the ecstasy of pleasure and orgasmic bliss available to us simply by the design of our feminine bodies.

It all starts with the pussy. Yoni, vulva and vagina, whatever you want to call her that feels good for you, but I encourage you to breathe life into the word pussy. I love the word yoni, but since coming out of my erotic closet even more this year I realized that the word pussy definitely turns me on way more.

And I like being turned on. You might also want to preface this podcast episode with last week’s podcast which is titled This is For Your Numb Vagina where I go deep into the real reason why your vagina is numb, which might definitely keep you from having an empowered and might I add luscious and orgasmic pussy.

Here’s what I know to be true about our relationship with our feminine regions in this modern, patriarchal society.

Women are not taught how to honor or even acknowledge their pussies. We are told that the beloved pussy is dirty, sinful, disgusting and the source of all evil and terrible, horrible things.

We are sold on a daily basis through advertising, media and porn that our pussy is for the pleasure of another, especially men, and that a few quick, dry thrusts from a lover will send us over the orgasmic edge, quaking and shaking to our core while screaming out cries of ecstatic pleasure.

We are told to douse her with different creams, perfumes and cleansers to keep her “clean” and “pretty”–both in quotes, by the way–and to shove toxic chemical-filled tampons inside of her so that no one knows our dirty little secret. The dirty little secret that we are WOMAN.

That we have a pussy. That we have a pussy that births, bleeds, destroys, alchemizes, receives and is the very source of our own pleasure. That we have a pussy which houses a jewel of pure pleasure known as the clitoris with over 8,000 nerve endings.

Men don’t have this luxury. The cock is designed to have several functions and actually has only half the nerve endings of a woman’s clitoris. This isn’t to say men or those with cocks are less than. It’s just to show you how powerful and naturally created for pleasure the pussy is.

God and Goddess forbid we honor, adore and worship the very portal to all of life. Every single person has come from a woman’s vagina.

Our pussy is the portal to life, to our own divinity and intuition. To our innate erotic nature, orgasmic pleasure, sexual energy, femininity and our ability to create our lives by design. It’s the source of our turn on and desire, both sexual desire and desire as in what we want and lust for in our lives.

And yes, we also happen to be able to give someone else great pleasure using our beautiful pussy. If we choose.

Side note: I am in the middle of reading a book so fucking powerful and amazing that it’s putting words to how I’ve been feeling inside since I was born pretty much and I want to recommend that you go to the store right now and buy it immediately. It’s Regena Thomashauer’s new book called Pussy: A Reclamation.

This word has always turned me on. It’s the word I use to describe my vulva when I want a man to touch me or when I talk to my girlfriends or potential lovers so why was I excluding it from my everyday vocabulary? Because it has a huge negative charge to it, but I’ll let you dive deeper into that whole conversation on your own in the book Pussy.

I want to talk now about what I think makes a woman’s pussy empowered.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, this is the definition of the word empowered as a verb:

  •  give (someone) the authority or power to do something:
  • make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights

To me having an empowered pussy means I have authority over my own pussy. The permission and power comes from myself and from her. Not from anyone or anything else. She is my source of power, permission, authority, choice. It also means that I claim the birthright state of her, which is pleasure, ecstasy, creation, receptivity and beauty. It means that I’m confident in her fully.

Beyond that it also means that I’m dialed into her pleasure, her sexual energy, her erotic needs and I’m taking time to honor, adore, worship and revel in her power, pleasure and beauty on a daily basis, if not all day long which is what I personally aim for.  

She’s always on my mind. I can always feel her. Pulsing and opening. Getting wet and turning on. Whispering or yelling to me. Enticing me. Seducing me. Enchanting, beckoning and inviting me to slow down, feel her and listen for her messages.

Essentially she is my source of WHO I am as a woman. My power. My beauty. My love. My pleasure. My creativity. My service to the world. All rooted and stemming from her. The divine chalice between my legs.

I’m conscious of her feelings, emotions and sensations, because she will let me know when she wants or doesn’t want something, whether it’s to have that lover touch me that way or not to go down that road at night or what to invest my money in.

She is my compass, guide and source of TRUTH. She knows what will get me closer to my desires and she knows what won’t and when I empower her or rather TRUST and LISTEN to her innate power consciously, then I will be tapped into that truth in my mind and heart too.

I will make the choice to listen. To trust. To follow her lead. To feel her pulsing in between my legs saying YES YES YES or NO! and I will claim her as my truth. I will claim her as the biggest, most powerful, divine, creative, erotic, pleasurable and intuitive part of me as a woman.

She makes up the whole of who I am as a body, heart and soul, even though she biologically is only seated between my legs. That’s how powerful she is. She is the headquarters between my legs that controls and affects every single inch of me, including my heart, spirit and soul.

The pleasure she can experience can be felt bone deep and soul wide throughout my entire body and being. Beyond the amazing clitoris and her 8,000 nerve endings. The sexual energy she houses can be spread throughout my whole body and being too.

I can feel orgasmic waves of ecstasy radiating through every inch of my physical body and beyond so that I feel met with only divine love–God and Goddess–the union of erotic love as if I’m One with All That Is.

I can feel her emotions, needs and sensations through every fiber of who I am.  When something isn’t right it’s almost like she hollers to me. I feel her pulse or contract, withdraw and shut down or open and blossom in response to what life offers her. To what life offers me.

She is not just an extension of me. She is ME. I am HER. Together, we are One. She is my wholeness because she is the source of the underlying current that flows between, beneath and within everything–my sexuality, which includes my erotic nature, sexual energy and pleasure.

Everything is created from sexuality–whether it’s the act of sex and sexual energy manifesting a baby or sexual energy through an invention, creation, idea or the primal energy of a plant or animal coming into existence.

Having an empowered pussy is the path to enlightenment if you ask me. It’s about claiming our truth, our beauty, radiance, erotic nature and pleasure. Our orgasm and sexual energy, which includes the natural state of ecstasy, creation and deeper power than we could have ever imagined. All housed directly in your pussy.

I invite you to define this for yourself. What does having an empowered pussy mean for you? What would make you feel into her power and know that she’s empowered? To know that you’re empowered because she is?

Place your hands cupped over her, close your eyes, say hello and breathe into her. It might be scary. You might feel nothing. You might feel pain. Or maybe ecstatic pleasure. Whatever your experience is, just know that it’s all ok. You are where you’re meant to be right now, but with an empowered pussy you can be the woman you truly are and were always meant to be.

Not just a part of yourself. If you are numb, in pain or disconnected in any way from your pussy, whether it’s due to shame, trauma or something else, then you are not fully owning your sexuality and pussy, which means you are not embodying your innate wholeness. You are separating that part of yourself from the parts that you consider acceptable, okay, worthy and lovable.

If you hide, repress, deny or shame your own sexuality or others’, then you are not fully empowered in your pussy. So this is an invitation to trust and love her. To empower her. To give her back her power on the throne as Queen and Goddess in your life because in doing so you are doing that for ALL of you. To claim what is yours from birth–deep love, delicious pleasure, ecstasy, divinity, intuition, beauty, power, creativity and more.

Let me just say that I wasn’t always this way. I didn’t always love my pussy, think she’s sexy or beautiful or even feel her at all. She was numb and in pain for many years. I had an on-again off-again relationship with her.

But I can tell you that once you fully inhabit and empower your pussy, once you fully claim her as not just a part of you but the SOURCE of you, there’s no going back.

Pleasure will only get deeper and more ecstatic. Your desires will only manifest faster and in more fulfilling and enriching ways, better than you could have ever dreamed. Orgasms will only open you to deeper waves of bliss and ecstasy.

Love will blossom. Your heart will open. Your life will change. Your truth will be spoken. You will own who you are as a sensual, erotic woman.

Pussy will reign your life, which means that everything you want, need, desire and lust for will be fulfilled in one way or another, most likely better than you could have ever imagined.

Perhaps your question now is how do we empower our pussies?

While there are layers to this that include healing from shame and trauma, trusting her, touching her, pleasuring her, getting to know her, etc. I want to share one of the most powerful and pleasurable ancient rituals I started practicing to empower my pussy.

I don’t know what it is about the jade egg practice that first intrigued me besides wanting to boost my libido and heal my bladder incontinence, but all I know is that it literally changed my WHOLE life. It really did help me cultivate an empowered pussy, which means that it also helped me have an open, supple, luscious and orgasmic one at that.

Here are a few reasons why the jade egg is my favorite practice for empowering your pussy.

#1 It taught me trust, safety and surrender.

I was born feeling naturally safe in my body, able to trust and fully surrender to my senses and needs. You were born the same way. Whole. Complete. Tuned in. Turned on. Sensual and innocently erotic, because your senses helped you find your way in this new world and you were both created from sexual energy and with it inside of you too.

But as we grow older, we’re no longer taught that it’s safe to be in our bodies, whether directly or indirectly. It might be due to a violation of the body or because we didn’t feel loved and nurtured so we left our bodies to prevent feeling pain. We disconnected, became disembodied and our feminine bodies were no longer safe to inhabit or reside in, especially the unnameable, unspeakable space. The space that should be deemed holy was deemed the exact opposite.

The jade egg helped me remember who I am and that I’m inherently safe to be fully embodied. Erotic. Sensual. Alive. Turned on. It helped me trust my pleasure, sexual energy, orgasm and femininity again. It massaged my vaginal walls and release stuck or blocked sexual energy, childhood wounds, trauma and shame that were literally stored in the tissue of my vagina. It taught me how to slow down and listen. To surrender to what was on the other side of the numbness or pain, which is pure pleasure. Pure love. Pure power.

I want to share something with you. One of the amazing women who went through my jade egg online course The Jade Awakening Salon shared something beautiful with me. Here’s what she said after starting a jade egg practice and going through the salon

I feel sexy, empowered, more pleasure, more able to be me and vulnerable when I am using the jade egg regularly…”

Isn’t that powerful? This practice really does empower your pussy and who you are as an erotic woman.

#2 It helped me claim my pleasure, power and beauty.

Before using the jade egg I thought my pussy was disgusting, dirty and ugly. I was actually scared of looking at her. I could only have really quick, weak clitoral orgasms which were followed by pelvic pain and lots of shame and guilt. I also felt very disempowered so I felt small and like a little girl. It was hard for me to make decisions or know what I wanted. It was a very awkward time for me.

Once I started using my jade egg at least 2-3 times a week and looking at my pussy in a mirror on a daily basis, I found her to be the most beautiful, sacred, divine and holy region of my body. Now when I look at her, smell her, taste her, talk to her, I feel so deeply powerful, turned on and WHOLE. I feel like ME, fully and completely.

Now I can have an array of deep, expansive, whole body, full body, clitoral, g-spot, cervical, chakra etc orgasms. Not only that but I see orgasm as a path to enlightenment as well.

It’s about a way of living, being and embodying our waves of ecstatic pleasure regardless of whether our genitals are experiencing a climax or not. It’s about feeling into our turn on and pleasure as if we were rolling waves of bliss and feelings of orgasmic sensations on a daily basis, not just during climax, sexual stimulation or having sex.

#3 It gave me permission.

Do you ever notice yourself looking for someone to give you approval or permission to do something? Or to be someone in specific? Or to have something? Yeah I used to do that all of the time.

The jade egg gave me permission to realize that I am my source of my own permission. Not anyone or anything else outside of me. Just ME and my pussy. I don’t need approval or permission from others anymore and it’s allowed me to shed beliefs and desires that I was carrying or living in that didn’t even belong to me.

Like staying in relationships I didn’t really want to be in because I thought that I should get married, have kids and settle down. Staying in a job I hated because it paid well and had great benefits and alleged promise of advancement.

Shutting down my pleasure, femininity and erotic side and disconnecting from my pussy because it was taboo, dirty and shameful.  Ignoring my thoughts, feelings, emotions and deep inner longings to not hurt someone else or make them feel uncomfortable because I wanted to live a different life than them…a life of truth and empowerment.

Not everyone will understand or approve of your choices, lifestyle or your power, especially when it’s your erotic pussy power. But that’s ok, because once you realize that YOU are the source of your own power, pleasure and love and that YOU are the only one who can give yourself permission in body or life, your whole life will transform.

You’ll embody your wholeness. You’ll fall deeply in love with yourself on all levels and finally own and remember that you are deeply erotic and highly orgasmic as a woman by nature. You’ll finally have an empowered pussy that will allow you to feel safe, powerful, deeply pleasured, TURNED on and alive again.

I want to invite you to join my free jade egg video salon, which is a 3-part video series that will take you on a journey through the power and beauty of using a jade egg to awaken vaginal pleasure, harness your sexual energy and connect you back to your deeply erotic and highly orgasmic nature as a woman. Video 3 is available today and it’s a really juicy video series that takes you deep into your pussy and the jade egg.

I also have an upcoming webinar, or free masterclass on the jade egg, including Q&A on Monday October 3rd at 6 pm EST. It’s called Awaken Your Erotic Power & Ignite Your Pleasure Through a Jade Egg Practice. You can sign up for that and bring your jade egg questions to be answered.

I would really love to know what you define as having an empowered pussy. Comment below and let me know what you feel makes your pussy empowered and one thing you do currently or would like to do to empower your pussy.

Next week I’ll be sharing a story about the deepest orgasm you’ll ever have. Oh yeah. It’s going to be good!

Until then, all my love…
