An Ode to Autumn

Autumn is the most sacred time of year

Bewitching and magical

An age for spells and earth magick

Velvet and lace

Darkness and seduction







Honoring the moon as she looms in the gloomy sky, peeking from behind the eerie fog of night

Owls hooting in the distance as they perch on naked tree branches of twisted, knotted trees

Leaves alchemize, transmute and change colors slowly

They shed their green, chlorophyll-laden skin and delicately melt into shades of golden honey, bright, fiery crimson, earthy brown and orange, warm like the sunset as it dips into the horizon

Smoky leaves burn in the distance, invoking nostalgia

Cracking hearts open

The smell of fresh, crisp apples wafts in the wind as they hang heavy from the delicate tree branches in orchards

Pumpkins grow, vines stretching and interlacing, in pumpkin patches, ready to be carved into the wicked grin of a jack-o-lantern

The aroma of warm and hearty spices drifts throughout the kitchen as candles burn until midnight

Glowing in the darkness, shadows dancing on the wall

Weaving in and out of one another like two lovers embracing


Seductively swaying

The wind carries whispers of her erotic poetry

Summoning you into a realm of deep, dark inner exploration

Beckoning you to lie in the slick, mossy flesh of mother earth

To cover yourself with her crispy leaves

Inhaling the scent of autumn

Of earthy seduction

Of spices and herbs

Of soft, crimson rose petals and pine cones

Cloaking your soft nude skin in velvet, fur and lace

Lighting dark pillar candles to call in the magic of your soul

Thick, black wax rolling down as the flame burns and dances through the midnight hour

Sitting in ceremony

In ritual




Holding space for what is sacred

Finding the medicine that is within

Feeling the seduction of your inner shadows pull you into the realm of spells, magic and love

Grounding your bare feet into the dirt and feeling the moonlight fill your womb with cool, lunar energy

Hearing the trees whisper to you as the wind dances through the leaves

Blowing the candle flame out, seeing the wispy curls of smoke as they float and undulate in the shadowy room

Being with the presence

The sacredness

The haunting, bewitching energy of autumn

Speaking of honoring autumn, it’s time to really tap into this realm of pleasure, play and magic that fall so beautifully arouses in us all during this bewitching time of year. I’m hosting a free online event/teleclass called “How to Create More Pleasure, Play & Magic In Your Day By Awakening Your Sensuality!” on 9/22 at 8pm EST. You can join in here! ****UPDATE: The Teleclass is now taking place on 9/24 at 8pm EST. Register here.****

Here’s what we’ll be covering in the free teleclass:

  • The 3 most common reasons why women starve themselves of pleasure, play & magic.
  • Why pleasure, play and magic are essential to becoming a Sensually Embodied Woman™ who feels sexy, confident and fulfilled both in her body and life!
  • My ultra juicy sacred rituals to help you unlock, awaken and embody your sensuality so you can receive more pleasure, play and magic, guilt-free! 
  • The Sacred Queen Archetype and how to call on her in stressful times to tap easily into your pleasure, play and magic! 

Those of you who sign up will receive a FREE GIFT from me too–simply because I LOVE this time of year and I feel like giving to you amazing, sensual lovers. “See” ya there sacred goddess! Sign up for the pleasure, play & magic online event here!


Drop me a comment and let me know what your favorite thing about this time of year is!