For most of my life I feared my sexuality so deeply that it stopped me from fully owning and embodying my true erotic nature, power and pleasure.

It held me back from showing up as the real me in my relationships and sex life. I showed up as the timid, shy version of myself, because she was acceptable.

Shut down and filled with shame and awkwardness.

Afraid to be seen and judged as too weird, too fucked up, too erotic…too much.

Especially by ex partners who didn’t seem to be that into powerful women or darker deeds…which I had unknowingly locked away inside of myself.

My unconscious love and desire of the darker aspects of the erotic (which I had zero awareness of until five years ago) twisted and contorted in shadowy ways that resulted in partners that cheated, controlled and hid their own sexual desires from me.

I was so afraid to unleash the erotic power that felt like it was contained in Pandora’s Box inside of my own pussy.

Afraid to excavate, confront and love the shadows, fears and shame that lurked deep inside of my sexual unconscious, silently and insidiously wreaking havoc on my life.

I couldn’t share fantasies or erotic desires and I didn’t even know what they really were because it didn’t feel safe to know myself on that level.

Otherwise I’d realize that I was performing, faking, wearing masks and playing roles.

It created barriers between lovers and I to the point where I was wearing these masks and playing these roles to have love, safety and belonging.

Roles like “good girl,” “people pleaser,” the “future wife.”

I’m pretty sure I laughed nervously several times before going down on an ex-boyfriend and he called me a prude…good thing I can get turned on by my prude now using this method I’ll be teaching you today hehe

If you can relate to any of this, you’re so not alone. Shame and fear do NOT have to rule your life.

That’s where my provocative and unconventional (yet very sexy) way to move through fears around your eroticism comes in.

It’s totally possibly that your authentic erotic expression is hidden beneath layers of shame, trauma, sexual shadows and fear.

If you’re terrified to face your erotic fears and sexual shadows and you find yourself shaming what turns you on or you feel disgusted, shut down or repressed before, during or after erotic play, then I can’t wait to dive into this method…and help you finally have the erotic relationship and uninhibted, shameless sex life of your wildest dreams and desirse, with yourself and your lover(s).

This method will leave you tingling with electrical erotic energy and a deeper, more intimate relationship with your fears. One that is manageable and not secretly ruling your life, sabotaging you and waking you up at 3 am with anxiety. 

Been there, done that and I’m so over it! Are you? If so, watch the video below and learn how to use my provocative method for handling your sexual fears. 

Sign up for my 4-Part RECLAIMING YOUR EROTICISM Video Series here.

This video series is for you if you’re struggling to connect to your erotic nature, especially if it’s from sexual shame holding you back, feeling unsafe to be your true erotic self and the fear of being judged for being fully erotically expressed. 

If you want to go deeper in community with other womxn who are also on their own erotic journeys, join my revamped Facebook group for womxn, Reclaiming Your Eroticism erotic play group.

Come follow me on Instagram where I share tons of erotic musings, rituals and practices to shed sexual shame and reclaim your true erotic nature, power and pleasure.



Ready to Shed Sexual Shame, Embrace Your Sexual Shadows, Unlock Your Deepest Erotic Desires & Connect Back to Your True Erotic Nature, Power & Pleasure?


Together we’ll explore how you can connect back to your erotic nature (when it’s maybe felt dormant or non-existent) and in the process; release sexual shame, get intimate with your shadows and learn to bring your true erotic self into your every day life, your relationship and obviously, the bedroom!

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