I didn’t grow up with a healthy and holistic relationship with my sexuality. The only thing I learned in my sex ed class was this: don’t have sex, because then you’ll get pregnant or an STD

It’s not surprising that the sexual education system in most societies (including the U.S. where I live) is seriously lacking in terms of fully empowering those who it aims to “educate”. 

All you have to do is look around to see all of the awful, shadowy things that happen in this world and how dysfunctional relationships to sexuality tend to be the root beneath it. 

The less we talk about sex, the more we repress it as individuals and as a collective. The more we repress, hide, deny and shame sexuality, the more sexuality will manifest itself in twisted, contorted and shadowy ways. 

I have a silly metaphor to explain this. Repressing your sexuality is very similar to the kid’s game, Whack-A-Mole. The more you push or whack your sexuality down (like you do to the moles), the more it will pop up in other areas of your life. 

I lived this in a myriad of ways before I started studying, practicing and living my own sexuality over 4+ years ago now. 

The more I pushed and shoved my erotic nature, sexuality and sexual energy into the shadows, the more it popped up in things like…

  • Acne all over my body 
  • Some weird skin rash that took over my whole stomach and instantly healed after the first few times I used my jade egg
  • Staying in unhealthy relationship dynamics with men who cheated on me constantly yet said “sex isn’t that important.”
  • Hardly making any money and racking up tons of debt
  • Painful menstrual cramps that practically crippled me every bleeding cycle
  • Zero creativity and feeling stagnant in my creative life
  • Working a job that I absolutely hated, feeling stuck and frustrated
  • Experiencing things like incontinence, extreme pelvic tension, UTI’s and all sorts of bladder problems
  • I even felt infertile, which I can’t quite explain other than I felt dry and barren inside

That’s just a small list of how my lack of healthy sexuality affected my WHOLE life.

By the way, I’ll be touching on sexual repression and some signs that you might be repressing your sexuality in the next week or two. Awareness is key and will allow you to no longer repress your sexuality, but rather to embody it consciously, owning your dark AND light. 

I can’t go back and chance the sexual education I received. All I can do is lead by example and continue showing up for my own sexual journey every single day.

I’m also going to continue to share, teach and inspire others, because the 7 things I’ll be sharing with you today were not things I learned in sex ed and if I had? Things would be very different and now that I know them and practice them, I can continue to reap the benefits and inspire others to do the same.

Beginning Tuesday July 9th, I’m hosting my popular 7-Day Orgasmic Pleasure Challenge where you’ll learn 7 secrets to extending, deepening and expanding your pleasure, sexual energy and orgasmic potential into a whole body experience. 

You can sign up for my 7-Day Orgasmic Pleasure Challenge here!

I also have a 30-minute Orgasmic Pleasure Breathwork Practice that goes along with this challenge. You can download it here.


