When I began connecting my heart and pussy together several years ago my whole life changed. I never realized how much I had taken my heart and love out of sex — even with myself. 

I hear it so often from women too. They struggle to open and surrender fully to their partners (and themselves) during sex. They struggle to trust, feel safe and open to love or to the full capacity of their pleasure, sexual energy and orgasm. 

They feel guarded in their hearts, like they have lifetimes of walls built up and the same thing for their sex centers. Their vaginas feel closed off, shut down and numb. 

They don’t feel connected to their most intimate, juiciest regions and they struggle to fully give and receive love, pleasure and sexual energy in a way that they somehow know deep down is possible for them. 

There is a very powerful connection and pathway between a woman’s sex center and her heart center. One cannot be fully activated without the other being activated, opened and pleasured as well. 

The more we heal, open, activate and connect our heart and sex centers, the more we can live a life that is truly heart-opening, fulfilling, orgasmic and filled with pleasure. 

I’ll share more with you about why that is in this week’s video. I’ll also share 5 practices you can do to connect your heart and pussy — your heart and sex centers — together.

When you connect your heart and pussy you’ll find that you’ll experience deeper sex, heart-opening orgasms and more ecstatic surrender, in body and life. 

Watch my Orgasmic Breast Massage for Perky Breasts video.

Watch my Vaginal De-Armoring Technique to Unlock Your G-Spot video.

If you’re looking to expand your pleasure and orgasm into a whole body experience while experiencing deep sexual, emotional and spiritual healing, awakening and embodiment, join my 7-Day Orgasmic Pleasure Challenge for women.

If you want to learn more about creating a solo sexual ritual through the jade egg practice, then download my ebook, 7 Jade Egg Secrets for Deeper Vaginal Pleasure & Orgasms.

I would love for you to share this video with any woman (or your lover!) in your life to spread the self pleasure (even during pregnancy and motherhood) love! You can subscribe to my YouTube channel here to stay updated with my weekly video.

You can also come play with me on Instagram or join my private Facebook group of +2900 women (for women only). 

