Change your relationship to spending money — the easy, sexy & shame-free way— and become a woman who feels in total control of every purchase.

Lifetime access to REPLAYS of 3 x 90-minute masterclasses & one guided pleasure ritual.

Your investment is only $77.

If you’re a powerful, successful, smart woman who recently Googled or wrote in your journal “how do I stop spending so much money?”

Consider this masterclass the answer to your prayers & 3 am Google searches!

You’re in the right place. 

Whether you’re making good money already or want to make more, it’s time to feel powerful & savvy with how you spend that money.

Like spending is a desire-based choice NOT an uncontrollable impulse that keeps you struggling financially.

Because you’re NOT meant to be a woman who just MAKES money — only for it to disappear within weeks — you’re also meant to HAVE money.

HAVING money means you hold onto some of it. 

That means you gotta NOT spend all your money. #easiersaidthandone

Although after my masterclass it will feel easier said AND done.

Most women feel like…

Spending = fun & sexy
Not spending/saving = boring & unsexy

Spending is freedom, desire & getting what they want.

But not spending is restrictive, hard & keeping them from what they desire.

We’re going to flip that story on it’s head with my unique pleasure-based approach to spending & saving in OVERSPENDING TO SAVVY SPENDING.

Before you think I’m about to tell you the secret is to “just spend less & save more,” let me assure you I’m not.

This is NOT just about overcoming your overspending habits…but rather helping you feel empowered when you DO spend like it was a wise decision & choice you made intentionally.

If you’re like “ughhh Amber, I’ve tried to control my spending & it didn’t ‘work’ for me.”

It’s less about controlling yourself and more about addressing WHAT causes you to spend & shifting your entire relationship to spending & having money stay around.

Having more money (in the bank) naturally becomes easier when both feel pleasurable & neither feels like punishment.

What you definitely won’t hear me say in this masterclass…


We’re not here for boring budgets based in deprivation, sacrifice & shame tactics.


I won’t tell you to give up your weekly $8 latte that brings you joy or your Netflix subscription you unwind to at night with a glass of wine.🍷


We’re not here for ALL OR NOTHING mentality. That often doesn’t work for women.

It feels restrictive, punishment-based & shaming.

Which actually CAUSES women to overspend even more…

I’ll share why in the 3-part masterclass (& EXACTLY what to do instead).

Your investment? $77

Please make sure to review the no-refund policy. By joining, you are agreeing to the terms of purchase


In 2021 I had $13k in monthly expenses & I wanted to pull my motherfucking hair out…

I upgraded multiple things within a short period of time (even though I’ve been in business since 2014).

I went from just me wearing all the hats ➡️ full team with social media manager, virtual assistant, podcast editing team.

In just a mastermind ➡️to mastermind, 6-month group container, private coach & relationship coach ALL AT ONCE!

No help in home ➡️ house cleaner & full time nanny.

I also overspent on going out to eat, buying myself new clothes, going to $600 wine bath a few times, going on trips, new sex toys, other classes & courses, etc.

I don’t regret it because it got me here AND I don’t recommend it.

It was very stressful for my nervous system but the gift is that it birthed my body of work around feeling safe, sexy & relaxed with money.🎁

I’m here for women with money also keeping their money and feeling hot as fuck about it. 

Now even though I was spending HIGHER amounts of money as I made more, the same spending patterns had been running the show my whole life. 

I used the exact same tools, pleasure-based methods & practices I teach in OVERSPENDING  TO SAVVY SPENDING to change my overspending patterns. 

The result?


I no longer impulse shop, but rather feel in control by making empowered spending decisions based on my values, vision & desires 


I feel like a wealthy bad bitch when I purchase things that are a valuable investment to me…or say no when it doesn’t truly serve me right now


I haven’t had buyer’s remorse or felt regret about a purchase in the last 2 years (& yes, I’ve occasionally bought things I don’t “need.”)


I’m currently using the SAME “savvy spender” protocols as I enter the phase of building wealth, paying off debt & investing. 



Spending is an enjoyable & intentional ritual that aligns with your values (freedom, peace of mind, security, pleasure, beauty, travel, etc.)


The solution was not to “just spend less & save more” but to shift how you FEEL about spending & saving so that BOTH feel good


You can tell (in your body) when you’re about to make a savvy or not-so-savvy purchase or investment


Your new norm? You feel so damn proud & empowered by choosing NOT to buy something (even when you realllly wanted it)


Hey! Wait a second…your bank account is starting to fill up — & because you TRUST yourself with the money you have & changed your relationship to spending — you’re also earning more now!

I want you to feel in control, powerful & turned on when you spend your money.


This is what sets you up to be a savvy spender for life.



The #1 trap women fall into as they make more money — & how to avoid/get out of it WITHOUT giving up spending entirely


My 5-step pleasure-based protocol  to help you shift your patterns around overspending where they originate so you can become a SAVVY spender


3 rules every savvy spender lives by & puts in place to make sure spending is an investment with an ROI that pays off EVERY DAMN TIME


How to effectively interrupt the impulse to buy when you’re about to buy something you *know* you don’t need

— like you’re about to press “buy now,” add that random thing to your cart in the check out line or swipe your credit card


What to do if you overspend in the future so you don’t spiral in shame at 3 am


How to recover & rebuild from “overspending burnout” where you overspent or had high expenses over a long period of time & spread yourself too thin


I’ll share all the “mistakes” I made as a chronic overspender who had $13k in monthly expenses in 2021 (the things I wish I knew? I’ll share them all with you — no holding back!)


We’ll debunk the myth that you overspend because “women are bad & irresponsible with money” & uncover the TRUE reason you overspend…

…which is simple to manage in a shame-free way!


REPLAYS of 3 x 90-minute masterclass teaching you how to shift your relationship to spending (lifetime access)

REPLAY of 1-hour pleasure-based ritual to shift your spending patterns IN YOUR BODY (lifetime access)

Curriculum that isn’t just something you’ll just do once & then forget — this is the same protocol you’ll use every 90 days to reassess your spending desires

Practices, protocols, rituals & pleasure tools to use repeatedly no matter how much money you’re making, saving or spending

A pdf you can download & fill out to work through each phase of the curriculum step-by-step with me

Access to the slide deck presentation so you can have a visual reference to return to — almost like getting it in book form too!

You’ll be guided through pleasure-based practices & nervous system regulation tools in the curriculum & recordings

Lifetime access to all materials.

I’m sharing the same step-by-step pleasure-based protocols I give to my clients who overspend to become savvy spenders.

The exact same one I STILL use to this day to feel empowered when I spend!

When women struggle with money we often think “but I’m such a powerful bitch! I’m so smart, I’m successful…so why am I still struggling with spending so much fucking money?”

I see this all of the time with female clients or women who take my money courses.

Yes, even women making 6-figures or more. 

Making shit tons of money, but feeling out of control with their spending (& then not trusting themselves with more money).  

The good news…it can be handled — in a sexy, pleasurable & shame-free way that leads to more money, freedom, relaxation & satisfaction down the line.

And feeling empowered by your decisions to spend &/or save.

“How?” You ask…

You have to address WHY you spend.


What’s your WHY behind the BUY

Because if you don’t address where your spending patterns come from, you’ll just continue to repeat them…even as you make more money.

Making more money doesn’t change the spending patterns you’ve had your whole life.

It only changes the digit in your bank account & gives you more money to spend.

And I’m not just talking about why you want the clothes, vacation, latte…but where does our drive to buy actually come from?

How can you make this internal drive work FOR you, not AGAINST you?

Once you master this, your whole relationship to spending (& having money) shifts for good!

The result?

You kiss your overspending patterns goodbye & feel like a mature, sexy, savvy woman who makes wise spending decisions from a place of power AND pleasure.

I’ll show you how step-by-step inside the masterclass!

About Your Headmistress: Sex & Money Mentor, Amber Renée

As a sex educator for women & founder of the Academy of Eros Money Power I’ve been on a journey with money & spending since 2015…

I’ve learned a lot about women, pleasure, money, power, desire, freedom and how spending plays into ALL of this.

Spending money was easy for me to do, but I often felt like shit after because I just bought things randomly.

It was like I NEEDED that top from Express or I was gonna die!

I’ve been in business since 2014 and have served THOUSANDS of women with not only their eroticism, but their money.

They’re more connected than you probably realize as both are pathways to our power.

Once I changed my relationship to spending in an effective way as a woman, everything changed and has only gotten better.

Now I’m using the same spending pleasure protocol I’ll give you as I prioritize debt pay off, wealth building & investing in 2024 & beyond.

I’ve learned what works (& what definitely does NOT work) for women when it comes to shifting our spending patterns.

Most of the top advice out there is created for men and deliberately excludes women…that’s on purpose, bitch.

Women with money are forces of fucking nature so if you overspend, it’s not entirely your fault.

But it IS your responsiblity to do something about it & empower yourself.

Yes, you have patterns that live in your body that are impacting HOW you spend, but those patterns have been used against you.

You’ve been sold a lie & kept in the dark about how to feel POWERFUL & IN CONTROL (in a sexy way) with your money & spending habits.

In this masterclass you’ll identify your spending patterns AND pleasurably shift them so that it’s sustainable.

And as a result, you’ll feel more in control of every purchase & have more money in the bank. 

This masterclass is for women, by a woman (me, hi), because you get to feel empowered with spending WHILE also feeling free, satisfied & like your desires are still happening. 

As a mother to a little girl, it’s become clear to me that changing my relationship with money hasn’t only served me, but changed my whole lineage, including her. 

That’s how I want you to see this masterclass.

Imagine changing the WAY you spend money and how you FEEL about money so deeply that it impacts future generations (whether you have kids or not).  

Still have questions? See the FAQ’s below!

What's the difference between the masterclass & ritual?

In the masterclass replays I’m teaching & sharing the methods for shifting your relationship to spending.

The ritual replay allows you to practice shifting your spending patterns IN YOUR BODY with pleasure.

You can treat it like a meditation, self pleasure practice, guided breathwork journey, etc.

Whatever feels best for you!

Masterclass serves your mind, ritual serves your body.


What's included with my purchase?


3 x 90-minute masterclass replays teaching you how to shift your relationship to spending 

Recorded 1-hour pleasure-based ritual to shift your spending patterns IN YOUR BODY 

Curriculum that isn’t just something you’ll just do once & then forget — this is the same protocol you’ll use every 90 days to reassess your spending desires

Practices, protocols, rituals & pleasure tools to use repeatedly no matter how much money you’re making, saving or spending

A pdf you can download & fill out to work through each phase of the curriculum step-by-step with me

Access to the slide deck presentation so you can have a visual reference to return to — almost like getting it in book form too!

You’ll be guided through pleasure-based practices & nervous system regulation tools in the curriculum & recordings.

I’m sharing the same step-by-step pleasure-based protocols I give to my clients who overspend to become savvy spenders.

The exact same one I STILL use to this day to feel empowered when I spend!

Where is it taking place?

The replays are hosted inside of Teachable. 

What is your refund policy?

There are no refunds under any circumstances.

Please shop mindfully & pleasurably.

By purchasing you agree to the terms of purchase here.

How long do I have access to this?

Lifetime access. You pay once and have access to it forever!

It’s hosted in my Teachable School — The Academy of Eros Money Power with unique login details you set up when you signed up.

Is this for women only?

Yes, this is a space designed for women (all women) since we’re having conversations that are unique to women alone and how we’ve been conditioned, systems in place to oppress or keep us disempowered, etc.

I'm in Sexy Money Codes...should I still sign up for this?

While we do touch on spending patterns & shifting your whole relationship to money in SMC, this masterclass is a stand alone deep dive into SPENDING specifically.

Most of the content that will be taught in the masterclass is NOT in SMC.

Plus it has a live element to it via the ritual so you can come experience it.

If you aren’t working on shifting your spending patterns or reframing the experience of saving or holding more money, I’d say skip it.

But if you want to go WAY deeper into shifting your relationship to spending AND holding/saving money and you want to access information that is NOT inside of SMC, then definitely join us for this unique experience.

If you’re a member of SMC, you should have received a discount code to join us for half off (unless you don’t get emails from me anymore).

Check your email or send me an email at hello@theamberrenee.com or DM me on Instagram @theamberrenee.

Your investment: $77!

Testimonials, celebrations, results & feedback from women I’ve served…

Swipe through below


See my private client who just secured a 6-figure position (that she LOVES) in a way that felt so easy for her.

While enjoying the fuck out of her life as a mom, deepening her craft as a priestess & ignoring what others in the “coaching industry” are doing & paving her own way.


My client Andrea D had a $20k month while on vacation reveling in pleasure, easily magnetizing & signing SOUL MATE women into her feminine program after feeling disconnected from her business for months and looking at me like “if she’s done it then so can I!”

And she was right.


One of my clients secured a $100k investor to co-buy a company worth multiple 6-figures. After being told no 7 times or having deals fall through and wobble repeatedly. 

She leaned into our container to grieve, celebrate, get support, share & move through the intensity of change she was experiencing VERY rapidly.

This all happened over a few months…

like mind-blowingly fast considering that it went from an “out of thin air” desire in January 2022 to conceptualized as her NOW REALITY as of May 2022

Truly I’m mind blown by this woman 🤯🤯🤯and very turned on by her success and devotion to getting what she wants. 🔥🔥🔥

She shared the initial desire with us…even though it seemed so big and wild and like “how the fuck do I even do this???” to her.

She was willing to be coached, supported, held and leaned into my invitation to be audacious and see what happens.

Show up like the woman who was going to buy a company.

She learned into our calls and Voxer in a way that worked for her given what she was taking on (& leaned into her own kinky erotic practices) to process the disappointments, rejections, ebbs and flows of this journey.


Imagine 30 days from now…you’re looking back and you feel absolutely in awe and mind-blown by who you’ve become and what you’ve created.⁠

Like former client Rhea. 



Celebrating my client, friend and peer, Andreja Bourke, who came onto one of our group calls and shared that she’s been sustaining $20k months in recurring monthly income since September (2022).

She wrote this desire in her journal in February (2022) when we started our work together and now it’s her actual reality.

All while resting, being in total pleasure and living her best, most turned on life.

Including an amazing retreat in Greece she and her colleague hosted together with several amazing women attending (she also has a handful of spots pre-sold for next year!)

She didn’t launch anything for MONTHS, because she was healing, resting, integrating and made a major cross-country move that took her months to stabilize.

She also wanted to sell a couple’s spot at her highest rate…which she did.

She’s a genius AND she shows up for her rituals, takes the next step towards her desires (letting them build and compound) and held the energy of “$20k months Andreja” for many months BEFORE it became her lived reality.