Are you ready to feel absolutely desired, ravished & orgasmically fucked open by money…so that you can magnetize, receive and hold even more?

Ravished: being filled and overtaken with intense joy, rapture and pleasure. We’re going for a sexy, consensual vibe with money here. 


Ravished Open by Money is a 9-week group program where you’ll learn the art of opening your heart, pussy and bank account to money like it’s a hot, sexy lover…so you can magnetize, receive and hold even more money (and ditch the shame, fear & guilt)!


Please make sure to review the refund policy. By joining, you are agreeing to the terms of purchase.

*Choose your preferred payment option at checkout. You can pay with Paypal or credit/debit.

I'M SO IN!!!!

You know how I want you to feel when you think of money?

I want you to feel like you’re madly, deeply, passionately in love.

Like you’re in the middle of the most worship-worthy, ravishing, heart-opening, connected, intimate, erotic encounter of your life.

Being fucked wiiiiiide open. Receptive. Alive. Cherished. Ravished. Worshiped. Chosen. Desired. Loved. Intoxicated in the best way. Trusting. Taken care of. 

Those same sensations you feel towards a lover who makes you feel safe, turned on and well-fucked…

  • The swelling in your pussy
  • The expansion in your heart
  • The erotic energy pulsing through your body
  • The tingles of anticipation for when you get to receive them again
  • The intoxicating feeling of love, trust, safety and turn on filling you 
  • The deep sigh of relief and relaxation in your belly (that somehow leads to even more deeply relaxed states of arousal)
  • The excitement of being in a sexy, fun, playful relationship filled with Eros and pleasure 

…are totally possible to feel towards money. Or to associate with money.

Mmmm doesn’t the idea of that just make your heart pound and your pussy pulse with a deep inner YES?

Even if that yes feels like it’s so tiny or buried deep inside that it doesn’t make any logical sense. 

Even if you’re like “yes, Amber I want that but what about this (insert your fears or doubts around money)?”

Even if doubt, fear and uncertainty kicks in right after feeling a yes.

Even if you’re having trouble finding that yes because you can’t imagine EVER feeling that way towards money. 

I totally honor if you’re skeptical, unsure or have never experienced anything like that with yourself, sex, lovers or money so you can’t even begin to see that as your reality…more on that in a minute…

I want you to know…


Your ability to open up to, receive and hold more money is mirrored in your ability to open up to, receive and hold more pleasure, erotic energy and love.

And babe, money wants you. Bad.

Money wants to worship you.

Fill you.

Fuck you open to your full potential.

Ravish you. (we’re claiming this word in terms of being intensely filled with rapture, joy and delight…not the secondary archaic, violent definition…this is a whole consensual, sexy thing)

Provide for you.

Take care of you.

Money wants to serve you and serve the world THROUGH you.

The only problem is that you’re too busy turning off, shutting down and closing your heart, pussy and bank account to money, because you feel like you’re bad and wrong for wanting more.

You feel guilty and ashamed of your desire for money.

You worry you’ll be called greedy and selfish.

That you have to choose between following your heart and soul and being of service OR making lots of money.

You’ve been taught that money isn’t safe. That you can’t trust it (or yourself with it).

That you’re irresponsible with money.


If you want to have a lot of money (and make a deep impact from your heart and soul with said money) then you need to be OPEN to receive a lot of money.

You need to be willing to open when all you want to do is close.

You need to be willing to open yourself up…

And not close down you heart, pussy or bank account:

Out of fear that you can’t trust money (or yourself with the money)

That it won’t come back to you if you invest it

That you’re bad, wrong, greedy and irresponsible when you spend or receive lots of money

That you’ll never have enough money let alone be dripping with excess money

Out of guilt and shame that it’s bad and wrong to want lots of money (and for it to be easy, fun and sexy for you)

Out of fear that you’ll be too much (rich, sexy, orgasmic, fulfilled, loved, well-fucked) and that everyone will hate you, judge you, leave you

What if making, receiving, holding and spending money was…

  • Playful
  • Sexy
  • Easy
  • Fun
  • Luxurious
  • Flirtatious
  • Magnetic
  • Filled with trust
  • Ravishing
  • Quantum and wildly illogical but so fucking magical (and real)
  • Something you knew how to do because it’s actually already inside of you???!!!

Imagine logging into your bank account on your phone and instead of feeling fear, doubt and contraction as you wait for your bank account to pop up you were in a state of trust, turn on and pleasure?

What if you felt excited to check your bank account? What if it felt like a sexy game?

What if your body felt open? Alive? Turned on? 

What if every time you swipe your card or enter your card details online you feel, know and trust that that money is coming back to you 10x over or more.

And you feel turned on by the version of yourself that you’re investing in with your purchase.

Whether the purchase is gas in your car so that you can make it to that beach trip you’ve been dreaming of. 

Or finally visit your family and friends after a year of lock down and social distance. 

Or groceries from Whole Foods so that you can nourish your body like a queen and stop having skin issues.

Or hire that sex coach so that you can have wetter, better, hotter sex and multiple orgasms. 

All the orgasms! Orgasms you never even knew were possible! And feel like the most orgasmic, turned on version of yourself.

Or join my new program Ravished Open by Money so that you can experience making, receiving, holding and spending money as a pleasurable, sexy, safe, fun and even orgasmic experience! 

And, therefore, allow yourself to make, receive, hold, spend and invest MORE money because it feels really fucking good and safe. 

What if it felt THAT good? Instead of feeling turned off by the fear of…

Money is leaving me and my account!

I only have x amount left now!

That has to last me until the end of the month! 

What if it doesn’t work out or come back to me?

I shouldn’t have done that!

Instead you’ll associate money with pleasure, sensuality, joy, safety, trust, love and more!

Yes, I’m here to tell you that it’s possible to feel orgasmic while you’re making money. Spending money. Giving money. Holding and saving money. 


Ravished Open by Money is a 9-week group program where you’ll learn the art of opening your heart, pussy and bank account to money like it’s a hot, sexy lover…so you can magnetize, receive and hold even more money (and ditch the shame, fear & guilt)!


Please make sure to review the refund policy. By joining, you are agreeing to the terms of purchase.

*Choose your preferred payment option at checkout. You can pay with Paypal or credit/debit.

I'M SO IN!!!!

Who am I & why am I teaching Ravished Open by Money?

I’m Amber Leitz, certified Erotic Blueprint™ coach.

You can call me the Erotic Headmistress 😉 and I want to show you that you can actually cultivate an erotic, alive, sexy, flirtatious relationship with money.

Yes, money is an intimate relationship and it loooooves to get cozy and hot with you.

But…back in the day…

I used to do allllll the money programs and write all the money affirmations 

I can’t even remember how many times I tried to affirm “I’m a millionaire!” while being in tears or feeling like a total fraud

I thought I needed to heal all my money wounds and limiting beliefs before I could make money or build wealth 

However, I did notice that the more I worked on opening myself up sexually and emotionally/intimately (with myself AND my lover of over 5 years) the more money I made

What made the difference for me?

Deciding I get to make money while I heal 

Deciding I get to live my life, have outrageous fun and be in pleasure 

Seeing that money is a by-product that comes from me as the source 

And I had a mind-blowing realization:

If I want results that are mind-blowing and magical and don’t make sense then I need to stop trying to logically figure it out (stop trying to be logical) and trust. Play. Flirt with life. Open. Practice receiving and allowing. Trust, surrender, open.

In January of this year I claimed the desire of MULTIPLE ORGASMS & MULTIPLE 6-FIGURES.

Specifically $30k cash months. And in April I had my first $30k cash month living my best life and using the exact practices, rituals, erotic money codes and transmissions that I’m going to share with you during the program.

I asked money to share the erotic codes and transmissions needed to OPEN MYSELF UP to receiving and holding that much money.

I decided money wants me. Money loves me. Money desires me. Money wants to serve me. Money loves to ravish me, fill me, fuck me open to my full potential (bank account, soul and erotic potential).

I first started connecting with money as a lover and building that relationship back in 2015.

Then, life happened — I had a baby (she’s 2.5 now) and realized that I needed to come back into erotic relationship with money.

I’ve been keeping that relationship simmering ever since then, but over the past couple of years I’ve dialed it up. Gotten even hotter with my money. Gone deeper with myself. Opening, receiving, holding, playing with money.

I’m already multi-orgasmic and I’m currently making anywhere from $15k to $30k cash a month being deeply of service doing what turns me on the most, working with clients I’m mutually obsessed with and ACTUALLY LIVING & ENJOYING THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE.

Now I’m stepping into the energy of a multi-orgasmic million dollar year! That’s what I want. That’s what I’m preparing for. 

I already hold the codes of a multi-orgasmic millionaire inside of me (much like a seed holds the potential of the whole plant inside of it) and it’s just growing, unfolding and revealing itself. 

I want to model what it’s like to bring pleasure, eros & desire into the relationship with money.

No, you don’t need to be a sex coach like me. I just want you to bring that sexy, juicy, rich erotic energy into your money and your WHOLE LIFE really. 

And be ravished by money. Fucked open TO money and BY money.

You get to be of service, make a deep impact and be dripping with excess money.

The era of the broke healer is over. It’s time for you to be a rich, hot, erotic leader who is living your best life, doing what turns you on and making fuck tons of money.

Ok how do I know it gets to really be and feel this good!!?

I get it. There’s a lot of fucked up stuff about money out there and also a lot of “get rich quick” programs that can make it hard to trust.

Maybe you’ve been burned by those before (I have too and I’m here once again,…heart, pussy and bank account open to receive again)

I’m not here to sell you any get rich shit stuff. I’m here to teach you how to rewire your brain, soothe your nervous system and feel safe, sexy and excited to open up to your money!

This is sustainable, foundational work. Work that will transform your whole life because once you know, feel and live this way…you can’t go back. 


Ravished Open by Money is a 9-week group program where you’ll learn the art of opening your heart, pussy and bank account to money like it’s a hot, sexy lover…so you can magnetize, receive and hold even more money (and ditch the shame, fear & guilt)!


Please make sure to review the refund policy. By joining, you are agreeing to the terms of purchase.

*Choose your preferred payment option at checkout. You can pay with Paypal or credit/debit.

I'M SO IN!!!!


  • Women who want to cultivate an erotic, sexy, intimate relationship with money
  • Thought leaders
  • Visionaries
  • Muses
  • Artists 
  • Activists who desire to bring pleasure, eros and pussy into their activism
  • Mentors and coaches
  • Priestesses
  • Creatrixes
  • Healers
  • Sex coaches who want to apply all the pussy and sexuality practices to the rest of their lives, money, business, leadership
  • Those in service of eros, heart-based, pussy-based, soulful entrepreneurs and leaders, or those who want to step deeper into leadership.

Whether you’re in a job, own a business or want to…this program will serve you in cultivating a revolutionary, sexy, life-changing, lineage-changing relationship with money forever. 

 The whole world benefits when women make more money. 


  • The idea of seeing money as a lover ravishing you completely turns you off 
  • You want to make money from a place of overworking, hustling, patriarchal conditioning, or having to martyr and sacrifice pleasure, ease, orgasms, sex, love
  • You have no desire to step into a place of surrender, trust, pleasure, eros, intimacy with money
  • You don’t desire mentorship and sisterhood this deep

This program will not teach you the typical boring shit about money like budgeting, creating offers, random things to do to make money, etc. 

We’re going to go deep into opening you up to RECEIVE and be ravished OPEN by money, your lover(s) and life itelf. 

If you’re not sure, just DM me (@amberleitz) on Instagram or just book a call here!


  • 9 LIVE weekly lesson calls (one per week on Zoom every Monday at 1 pm EST starting June 21st) over 9 weeks where I’ll share the erotic money codes and transmissions that will help you shift your relationship with money forever into one that is juicy, sexy, intimate and filled with trust and turn on
  • 5 LIVE Q&A calls where you can ask questions or get support on whatever feels alive for you around sex and money and walk away feeling empowered and turned on around money
  • Private group on Mighty Networks (or some other sex-friendly platform. I’m currently banned for 60 days on Facebook so that option is out) so that you can connect with me and the other women and play in the quantum energy and excitement of money ravishing you!!
  • Rituals, practices and other fun, sexy things to take your journey with money ravishing you like a lover soooo much deeper.
  • BONUS: You’ll get access to my coveted Erotic Headmistress Mindset ritual so you can domme your mind into believing exactly what you want it to believe (things like money wants you, money ravishes you, money provides for you…)
  • BONUS: foreplay assignments to start the sexy pre-work before we begin the even sexier, deeper work

WE BEGIN June 21st!


Doors close Friday June 11th at Midnight EST!

We begin the program on Monday June 21st at 1 pm EST.

5 Monthly payments of $230

You’ll pay $230 up front and then four more monthly payments of $230 (charged on or around the same date as your first payment) 

3 Monthly payments of $380

You’ll pay $380 up front and then two more monthly payments of $380 (charged on or around the same date as your first payment)

One payment of $1,111

You’ll pay $1,111 upfront to secure your spot in the program!


Ravished Open by Money is a 9-week group program where you’ll learn the art of opening your heart, pussy and bank account to money like it’s a hot, sexy lover…so you can magnetize, receive and hold even more money (and ditch the shame, fear & guilt)!


Please make sure to review the refund policy. By joining, you are agreeing to the terms of purchase.

*Choose your preferred payment option at checkout. You can pay with Paypal or credit/debit.

I'M SO IN!!!!



I’m going to introduce you to 9 Erotic Money Codes and how I bring them into my life, business, relationship, money, leadership and sexuality by giving you raw, behind the scenes access into my life.

Modeling and mentorship is one of my fave ways to offer my transmissions. You’ll be given practices, rituals and video transmissions to unlock, embody and express each archetype in your own body and how to bring it into love, sex, money, business and leadership.

Here’s a breakdown of the weekly transmissions we’ll explore:

Week 1 – Making Money Your Hot, Sexy, Devoted Lover 

We’re going to shift your relationship with money from one that is filled with fear, doubt, mistrust and shame to one that is sexy, consensual, alive, pleasurable and erotic. 

Money is your lover and wants to ravish you! We’ll start building that intimate connection with money. 

Week 2 – Opening Your Heart to Love & Trust Money

We’ll build on the previous lesson by unlocking your heart and learning to love and trust that money wants to take care of you, provide for you and keep you safe and filled with pleasure and joy. 

It’s just like opening to a new lover after being hurt in the past. We’re going to connect back to the erotic innocence and original untouched wholeness of your heart so you can open to receive money. 

Week 3 – Opening Your Pussy to Pleasurably Receive Money

You’ll learn how to associate money with pleasure, safety and turn on. Both sex and money are often experienced as taboo, shameful and unsafe. But we’re going to open your body and pussy to pleasurable magnetize and fully receive money.

And let it feel sooooo orgasmic. Just like receiving pleasure from a lover. 

Week 4 – Opening Your Bank Account to Hold More Money 

Opening your bank account to money is all about learning to not just receive more money, but HOLD more money. Increasing your capacity to hold all good things, including money. 

You probably don’t realize the ways that you’re keeping your “bank account” closed off to money by closing your body, heart and pussy to money. 

Week 5 – Mystery Lesson 

We’re going to flirt with the mystery of knowing this will probably be the juiciest, best lesson of all! 

Week 6 – Spending Money for Your Pleasure, Luxury & Enjoyment

Imagine if investing and spending money was guilt-free, shameless and sooooo pleasurable. Imagine if you saw every dollar you spend as an investment in YOU and you feeling pleasured, taken care of and nourished.

This is exactly what we’ll dive into. I’ll share my powerful money codes around spending and investing money, because I used to feel terrified to spend money.

You’ll adopt the attitude that when you spend money 1. it always comes back to you double or more and 2. it always serves YOU (and when you’re served, others are served)

Week 7 – Turning Debt into Diamonds

We’ll powerfully shift the story that you’re bad or irresponsible with money and that having debt is bad, wrong or irresponsible in this lesson. 

You’ll learn to turn debt into diamonds. Debt doesn’t need to be some big, scary thing that holds you back or prevents you from having what you want.

No, you don’t need to pay off all your debt before you can spend more money, buy yourself what you want to have what you desire.

No, your daily avocado toast and daily coffee or tea isn’t the reason why you have debt. We’re not playing into that story of deprive, budget or sacrifice anymore!

Week 8 – Being Ravished & Fucked Open By Money 

Money wants to ravish you. As in, fill you with pleasure, joy, rapture, delight. Money wants you to feel provided for, safe, taken care of, deeply served, worshiped, loved. 

Are you ready to be ravished??

Week 9 – Being Deeply Served by Money & Letting Money Be Deeply of Service THROUGH You

Part of having and holding more money is that you get to deeply served by your money (with the best of the best) AND you also get to be of service using your money.

Money wants to serve you and serve others through you. We’ll explore how that could feel to serve from overflow, not sacrifice or feeling like you should. 

You don’t need to martyr yourself or overgive. You can overflow and share from there. 

What Women Are Saying About Me & My Work!

“Don’t hesitate to study with Amber. She is a gentle, living special soul and makes something mysterious and –perhaps a little scary— easy and beautiful. I started having multiple orgasms (for the first time in my life) after only a week in the course.”


“Amber was my first introduction into this world of sensuality and feminine practices/rituals and I am grateful everyday for finding her. All of her work is thoughtful, deep, and effective. She only creates magic.”

Ally Nicole

Denton, TX

“Amber is truly amazing in her work. She helps you open sexually, gives remedies on healing, teaches sexual techniques and helps you understand the power of your body.”


Jamaica, Montego Bay


I featured three of my beautiful clients on my Reclaiming Your Eroticism Podcast for a Sexy Client Spotlight series.

You can listen to the episode featuring my Seductress client Nikki here. She shares about permission, authenticity in eroticism and unexpectedly attracting a dream lover!

You can listen to the episode featuring my Erotic Magentism & Pleasure Hedonist Mastermind client Alexandra here. We chat about being spiritual (& multi-dimensional) women who also want to be tied up and spanked!

You can listen to the episode featuring my Seductress and Pleasure Hedonist Mastermind client Tiffany Ashaya Rose here. We chat about the fear of your whole life blowing up by investing in yourself, how to handle it all with seduction and step into your leadership, pleasure and power through sisterhood and support. 




Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?

We start June 21st and end after 9 weeks. The lesson calls (9 total, one per week) are every Monday at 1 pm EST starting the 21st. Q&A calls are TBD. 

How long do I have access to the course?

You have lifetime access! After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.


What if I am unhappy with the course?

There are no refunds so please make sure to shop mindfully & with total pleasurrrre. Have any questions about whether this is right for you? 

Email me at or send me a PM (voice messages are my fave) on Facebook or Instagram (@amberleitz) so I can support you in making a decision that leaves you dripping wet & feeling empowered.

Who is this program for? 

You can scroll up and see ‘who ravished open by money is for’ or ‘not for’ but essentially it is for women who want to connect with money in a sexy, pleasurable, erotic way with support. 

Maybe my Seductress alumni client Nikki can seduce you to saying YES to yourself…

(she was featured on an episode of the Reclaiming Your Er0ticism podcast talking about how she unexpectedly attracted her dream lover and more while going through one of my programs last year!)

“Amber possess a masterful skillset that allows the individual to fiercely and gracefully tap into the content at her hand. Her safe and sexy container unleashes premium experiences. My capacity to get what I want has exponentially increased through juicy, heightened awareness and self-love, xo”


“I took Seductress Deep Dive in spring 2020 and have been hooked (seduced) ever since. What I love about Amber’s group programs is the equal level of deep support and sisterhood, powerful teachings and practices that work when and as you work them, and the in-your-face, raucous turn-on that happens each week in our group calls. Her dedication to Eros, and to every woman’s right to claim their own authentic expression of it is inspiring. I am excited about what I have manifested already with these practices and my sexy upleveling continues!”
Tigz De Palma

“Ambers work, her practices and her knowledge has opened up my very own treasure trove of pleasure inside of me. I appreciate immensely how natural and easy she comes across in her teachings and how real it all is. Thank you Amber for being ever inspiring and radiant.”


San Isidro, Costa Rica

“I love the way that Amber presents all her teachings -in a very natural and caring way. The lessons are easy to follow and very pleasurable. She really has created a sisterhood and a safe environment for women. And is very receptive and connected throughout the process.”

I asked my clients what turns them on most about working with me…

Still Not Sure Whether the RAVISHED OPEN BY MONEY PROGRAM is Right For You?

Send me an email & I’ll be happy to support you in making a decision that leaves you feeling empowered (maybe even dripping wet with excitement!)

4 + 5 =


Ravished Open by Money is a 9-week group program where you’ll learn the art of opening your heart, pussy and bank account to money like it’s a hot, sexy lover…so you can magnetize, receive and hold even more money (and ditch the shame, fear & guilt)!


Please make sure to review the refund policy. By joining, you are agreeing to the terms of purchase.

*Choose your preferred payment option at checkout. You can pay with Paypal or credit/debit.

I'M SO IN!!!!