This program is self study right now so you can go at your own pace from the privacy & leisure of your home…or bedroom. 

Wet, hot and ready to buy right the fuck now?

If you’re thinking “Fuck yes! I’m in! Who needs sales pages?!”

Join Quantum Pussy Energy for $997 (with 4 or 6-month payment plans options)

You know the phrase Big Dick Energy?

Well I’ve got Quantum Pussy Energy

…and so do you, babe

Your potential is limitless and your pussy is so powerful that she can create, birth & magnetize whatever she wants

And your pussy is one of the fastest, most powerful & pleasurable ways to connect with & play in the quantum field (the field of limitless potential and infinite possibility outside of what logically makes sense)

When you know how to build & harness her power properly you can tap into your pussy to create continual quantum growth that is SUSTAINABLE & FEELS FUCKING SEXY THE WHOLE WAY THERE

When you show up in a bold way & make legendary moves…that’s Quantum Pussy Energy

When you prioritize pleasure & connection to your pussy every single day…that’s Quantum Pussy Energy

When you expand beyond what seems possible & play outside of logic in a realm more magical…that’s Quantum Pussy Energy

When you…

  • More than 2x your income from the year before while working 1/4 of the time
  • Wake up to your dm’s filled with soulmate clients eager to throw money at you…when it felt like crickets FOR YEARS
  • Regularly have PayPal notifications going off on your phone while you sleep, take walks, watch Netflix or have sex or self pleasure
  • Have orgasms that blow your damn mind & make you feel more alive & turned on by life when you were shut down sexually for years before
  • Go from feeling like you have no support to a full team in your business, someone cleaning your house weekly, a nanny for your kid(s), grocery delivery, etc. & think to yourself “Life really does get to be this good! Pinch me!”
  • Write a post on Facebook or Instagram that makes you obsessed with your own damn self (when you struggled to be seen for so long)

That’s Quantum Pussy Energy. Those examples above? I’ve done them all!

I can show you how to create your own version of this quantum-level growth in sex, money, life, business, with your client attraction, relationship, motherhood, etc.

I want this for you. And it’s possible for you.

The quantum isn’t about luck & it doesn’t require that you be “high vibe” all the time, do things perfectly or visualize all day long waiting for cash to fall into your lap…

there are actually specific (& super quick & easy) ways to use the quantum field to support your desires, manifestations & uplevels in who you’re being & how life/money/sex/love works for you.

I have a very specific & sexy methodology for plugging into the quantum (through pussy, mind, energy, body, etc.) to create illogical, mind-blowing results…and orgasmically enjoy every fucking moment on the way. 

This 7-week LIVE program is all about having Quantum Pussy Energy

I’m going to teach you all of my sexy techniques for consistent quantum leaps in a sustainable way that leaves you feeling like you’re the VIP bitch of the universe…being served, taken care of & provided for in excess & overflow.

I’m going to teach you to step-by-step how to master the energetics of consistent quantum leaps & uplevels (that don’t always cause a whole fucking meltdown & identity crisis) while holding the frequency of pleasure, wealth & limitless potential…all from your pussy!!!

Are you ready for this???

Have you ever experienced mind-blowing, quantum leap style growth…⁠

But then decided it wasn’t good enough compared to someone else’s results?⁠

I get it. I’ve been there myself…

So you downplayed it, didn’t celebrate it and/or kept it to yourself? ⁠

Yep…I’ve done that too…

Or thought that your desires are delusional as fuck? Like who the fuck are YOU to do/be/have/experience that?

Oh hi…I’ve definitely done this, even recently after giving my nanny more hours…(who am I to have THIS MUCH support?) I just don’t let it stop me anymore

Who are you to want that luxurious travel? Or multiple lovers? Or a business that makes fuck tons of money AND a really hot relationship? That Chanel bag or indulgent spa day as a monthly necessity?

Maybe you’ve looked around at your current reality & felt like you were so far away from where you want to be.

Or seen another woman share that she has what you want & you feel the sting of jealousy that makes you want to collapse.

Yeah, me too bitch!!

Which is how I’ve gotten so good at moving through it, not making it mean anything about who I am or what I get to have & now I’m ready to show you how to move through it too.

And actually use those moments that feel insecure, triggering, icky & uncomfortable as a powerful portal to quantum leap like a hot bad bitch.

With pleasure, more orgasms & lots of flirtatious play with life.



This is the shit that’s stopping you from experiencing continual growth or consistent quantum leaps…

Because you make what you just created & what you have now NOT enough.

You make $10k in a month for the first time but because your dream coach just made multiple 6-figures or a million dollars you turn around & hide it.

Or you have the hottest sex of your life, but because another woman just shared about her amazing sex before you did, you feel like you’re not allowed to own yours too.

You don’t share or celebrate.

You feel like a fraud, like you’ll never get there or have what she has…

So you close down the flow of what was coming, what was building & compounding.

But the difference between you (in this moment of doubt) & those women?

It’s simply that she makes herself more than enough & keeps fucking going.

She steps into her next level bitch self and says FUCK YES to her growth…even when it’s scary.

I do this too. Over & over.

It’s how I’ve created the 6-figure+ business from pleasure while working less hour than ever, being fully supported by a nanny, weekly house cleaner, team, multiple coaches with a red-hot sexy love life with my partner, Andy.

This is what it means to be a woman with quantum pussy energy.

In my 7-week LIVE program, Quantum Pussy Energy, we’ll dive deep into mastering the energetics of mind-blowing quantum leaps & consistent uplevels.

In a way that defies logic, keeps your pussy wet & makes people say “that bitch has Quantum Pussy Energy!”

“She’s bold, she’s legendary, she’s iconic, she’s the woman who gets what she wants or something even wetter, better & hotter!”

Guess what, lover? In 7 weeks that’s going to be you!

A next-level bitch with Quantum Pussy Energy!

Magnetic, turned on, certain in your worth & fully in belief of your limitless potential to receive.

What exactly is the Quantum Pussy Energy 7-week program?

This is a 7-week program to step into your “next level bitch” self & create continual quantum growth in sex, money & business (that blows your mind & makes your pussy wet)

Honestly, you can apply this to any desire or area you want to have exponential growth in. 

Motherhood, business, clients, sex, orgasms, your relationship, travel, being seen, opportunities, magnetism, etc. 

There are 7 pre-recorded modules plus 3 pre-recorded group coaching Q&A calls for you to listen to. 

All replays are in the Teachable membership for you to watch as many times as you like. 

You’ll have lifetime access to all of the materials & you can join us no matter where you are in the world from the privacy, leisure & convenience of your own home or boudoir. 

Join Quantum Pussy Energy for $997 (with 4 or 6-month payment plans options) 

Please make sure to review the refund policy as I do not offer refunds. By joining, you are agreeing to the terms of purchase.

*Choose your preferred payment option at checkout. You can pay with Paypal or credit/debit.

What are the 7 modules of Quantum Pussy Energy?

MODULE 1: Opening the “Quantum Pussy Portal” & playing outside of logic 

MODULE 2: Normalizing your next level desires & becoming comfortable with quantum growth 

MODULE 3: Mastering your emotions & energy like a sexy bad bitch…so they don’t derail your quantum leaps but rather SUPPORT them 

MODULE 4: Closing the gap between you & your desire (& playing your way there) 

MODULE 5: Incrementally upgrading your standards & norms to VIP bitch level

MODULE 6: Receiving with your heart, bank account & legs wide open  

MODULE 7: Scaling & compounding your quantum leaps in a sexy, sustainable way (aka keep em coming!) 

Why I’m teaching my 7-week Quantum Pussy Energy program:

I had a lot of doubts and fears this past year because I chose audacious, outrageous, legendary, luxurious desires to move towards.
Some of which I’ve created & some of which I’m journeying towards right now.
🍷Like bathing in red wine every month at AIRE Ancient Baths
💰Building a million dollar year business
Last year I made over $145k in cash after being “stuck” at $60-$70k cash/year FOR YEARS. 
👜Wanting a burgundy Saint Laurent AND Chanel bag (yes, we are both/and here in my world)
💋My new SUV (she’s burgundy & gorgeous!)
🌶Impacting thousands (eventually millions) of women
🌹Offering things that blow my mind & turn me on (like my Mary Magdalene Sex Priestess Training & the now this offering…💋🔥💦💰)
✈️Traveling more & getting into Airbnb as passive income (this is what I’m prepping my nervous system & my partner, Andy, for lol)
I expanded in ways that made me want to throw up, cry or hide under a blanket yet I was still able to soothe, stretch & seduce my way through them.⁠
With pleasure, turn on & sensuality as my holy erotic medicine.⁠
I don’t try to be fearless (that’s not a thing. If your brain can’t protect you with fear it’s not doing its job FYI)⁠
I just don’t take the action that my fear wants me to take.⁠
I take action that comes from my desire & devotion to who the fuck I’m here to be, what I’m here to create & who I’m here to serve.⁠
I feel my fears, domme & seduce the fuck out of them & move forward with one doable action.⁠
And I follow it up with lots of soothing, pleasure & celebration.⁠
Which compounds on top of itself every time I take another action… whether I’m shaky or confident when I do it.⁠
Whether I feel turned on & powerful or like I didn’t do it right somehow.⁠
So it actually means you can quantum leap a lot faster when you slow down… & focus on one step at a time.⁠
One client⁠
One action⁠
One moment⁠
One step⁠
Followed by ownership of what you did, celebration of it & seeing the power & potential of that one action 🥂🔥 💵⁠
THIS is all part of the Quantum Pussy Energy Method I’ll be teaching you!

Join Quantum Pussy Energy for $997 (with 4 or 6-month payment plans options) 

Please make sure to review the refund policy as I do not offer refunds. By joining, you are agreeing to the terms of purchase.

*Choose your preferred payment option at checkout. You can pay with Paypal or credit/debit.

Who am I?

iI’m Amber Leitz

Certified Erotic Blueprint Coach™, Mary Magdalene Devotee, Sexual Priestess & Head Courtesan who’s been personally & professionally studying, practicing & teaching on eroticism for 8 years.

I’m also a mother to my 3-year old daughter, Scarlet Rose

and have been with my current lover & partner, Andrew, for almost 7 years now.

I’m here to revolutionize sex, money, feminine leadership & orgasms for women leaders who want to FULLY embody their next sex, wealth & power level through their eroticism.

More orgasms, luxury & cash, please!!

I’m trained in very powerful processes and somatic, sexual tools through my certifications in the Erotic Blueprint Types™ and Accelerated Evolution (with a background in Holistic Health Coaching through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition) so I use all of this (plus my own eros & intuition) to guide my clients.

It’s not about trying to fix you, it’s about being with you & learning to enjoy where you are so that you can also receive more.

I’m a 6+ figure erotic leader, mother, partner, lover & I know what it’s like to create continual quantum growth…

As someone who continues to grow, scale & collapse time (doing it faster & more efficient).

My business continues to grow, I’m deeply supported (by 3 high-level coaches, a business team, a nanny & weekly house cleaner, to name a few) & it really does keep getting wetter, better & hotter.

The sex included…it wouldn’t be Quantum Pussy Energy if you weren’t well fucked too.

What my clients & students have to say about working with me:

Maybe my Seductress alumni client Nikki can seduce you to saying YES to yourself and YES to being in a container with me (she’s been in two!)…

(she was featured on an episode of the Reclaiming Your Er0ticism podcast talking about how she unexpectedly attracted her dream lover and more while going through Seductress last year!)

“Amber possess a masterful skillset that allows the individual to fiercely and gracefully tap into the content at her hand. Her safe and sexy container unleashes premium experiences. My capacity to get what I want has exponentially increased through juicy, heightened awareness and self-love, xo”


“I took Seductress Deep Dive in spring 2020 and have been hooked (seduced) ever since. What I love about Amber’s group programs is the equal level of deep support and sisterhood, powerful teachings and practices that work when and as you work them, and the in-your-face, raucous turn-on that happens each week in our group calls. Her dedication to Eros, and to every woman’s right to claim their own authentic expression of it is inspiring. I am excited about what I have manifested already with these practices and my sexy upleveling continues!”
Tigz De Palma

“Ambers work, her practices and her knowledge has opened up my very own treasure trove of pleasure inside of me. I appreciate immensely how natural and easy she comes across in her teachings and how real it all is. Thank you Amber for being ever inspiring and radiant.”


San Isidro, Costa Rica

“I love the way that Amber presents all her teachings -in a very natural and caring way. The lessons are easy to follow and very pleasurable. She really has created a sisterhood and a safe environment for women. And is very receptive and connected throughout the process.”

-Viktoria Filov

@viktoriafilov on Instagram 

RHEL sexy alumni 

Join Quantum Pussy Energy for $997 (with 4 or 6-month payment plans options) 

Please make sure to review the refund policy as I do not offer refunds. By joining, you are agreeing to the terms of purchase.

*Choose your preferred payment option at checkout. You can pay with Paypal or credit/debit.


If you desire to get a feel for me & my work…allow me to delight you with some resources featuring my amazing clients.

I featured my mastermind clients Viktoria and Nicolette in a podcast episode called Hot Bitch Happy Hour. You can listen here

You can also join my FREE private Facebook group for women leaders Rich Hot Erotic Leadership and listen to Hot Bitch Happy Hour featuring Kathy & Jantine here

I featured three of my beautiful clients on my Reclaiming Your Eroticism Podcast for a Sexy Client Spotlight series.

You can listen to the episode featuring my Seductress client Nikki here. She shares about permission, authenticity in eroticism and unexpectedly attracting a dream lover!

You can listen to the episode featuring my Erotic Magentism & Pleasure Hedonist Mastermind client Alexandra here. We chat about being spiritual (& multi-dimensional) women who also want to be tied up and spanked!

You can listen to the episode featuring my Seductress and Pleasure Hedonist Mastermind client Tiffany Ashaya Rose here. We chat about the fear of your whole life blowing up by investing in yourself, how to handle it all with seduction and step into your leadership, pleasure and power through sisterhood and support.


Hi, lover.

Still scrolling?

Are you the one who keeps clicking on this page & reading it over & over again?

Are you hovering over the sign up button thiiiiis close to signing up?

If you’ve made it this far then I’m willing to bet that you want this, but aren’t allowing yourelf to say yes for some reason.

I totally get it. I’ve been there too & I know what’s on the other side of the leap & investment.

A lifefime of continual, sexy, hot growth.

Quantum leaps that are sustainable & blow your mind.

Because you’re here to not just dream big, but to DO big shit in the world.

Legendary, luxurious, outrageous, illogical, mind-blowing.

You’re here to perform on that stage, to be an entertainer, to be more than a coach, to carry the Chanel or Gucci bags, donate thousands to organizations that mean something to you, to have sex that makes you scream with pleasure.

Are you ready for some real talk?

You can either keep reading this sales page over & over hovering over the sign up button or stalking all my content waiting for the “right time”…

Or you can decide you’re the one, now IS the right time & you get to have ALL of this & more too!

It’s all here waiting for you…and it’s so much closer than you think. I’ll teach you how to say YES to it and actually make it your lived reality.

Are you ready to actually DO this and have a powerful space to experience exponential, juicy as fuck growth?

Questions about whether Quantum Pussy Energy is the right program for you?

Check the following FAQ’s to get some of your burning questions answered. 

Is this for women only? 

Yes, anyone who identifies as a woman.

We’ll be working with the pussy & womb (physical and/or energetic) since that’s a big part of my work with the erotic (which will be in this program). 

What is Quantum Pussy Energy & how does it work?

This is a self study 7-week program to step into your “next level bitch” self & create continual quantum growth (that blows your mind & makes your pussy wet)

All materials (7 lessons, practices, rituals, extra lessons, bonuses, q&a calls) are pre-recorded for you to watch right away. 

You’ll have lifetime access to all of the materials & you can join us no matter where you are in the world from the privacy, leisure & convenience of your own home or boudoir. 

When do we begin & how often do we meet?

You begin right when you sign up!


How long do I have access to the program? 

You’ll have lifetime access to all of the materials & you can join us no matter where you are in the world from the privacy, leisure & convenience of your own home or boudoir. 

This is a program that will teach you foundational skills in creating continual quantum growth that will serve you for the rest of your life. 

What is your refund policy?

There are no refunds. Please shop mindfully & pleasurably! By purchasing you agree to the terms of purchase.

Feel free to DM me if you have other questions or want to chat more about joining!

Join Quantum Pussy Energy for $997 (with 2 or 4-month payment plans options) until doors close Monday April 4th 

Please make sure to review the refund policy as I do not offer refunds. By joining, you are agreeing to the terms of purchase.

*Choose your preferred payment option at checkout. You can pay with Paypal or credit/debit.

Still Not Sure Whether the Quantum Pussy Energy program is Right For You?

Send me an email & I’ll be happy to support you in making a decision that leaves you feeling empowered (maybe even dripping wet with excitement!)

Or DM me on Instagram @amberleitz. I love voice notes!

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